Tag Archives: Rapture

The Last Day on Earth-According to Jesus

“Trying to navigate end-time events without a fundamental understanding of the Gospel will leave you confused about both.”

The secular community, as well as Christians, pretentiously poked fun at Harold Camping’s prediction of the “Rapture.”  He said it would occur on May 21, 2011.  The day came and went as usual. 

Now, flashback to 23 years earlier. Charles Hays (a Christian Friend) and I had a daily 15-minute radio program on a small Christian channel in Nashville. We were invited to come on the big secular radio station in Nashville, WLAC, to discuss the prediction of Edgar C. Whisenant, who had sold millions of books about the prediction of the Rapture on September 11 or 13th, 1988. The book was called 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Occur in 1988.   We predicted it would not occur on that day.  That day also came and went.  It was just another day. 

Every Christian worldwide knew from the words of Jesus Himself that Mr. Camping’s and Mr. Whisenat’s predictions were in error.

History reveals that second-coming predictions are not a recent phenomenon. According to one source, over 300 dates have been set since the first century, all proving false.

These false claims underscore the need to trust in Jesus’ words, a source of unwavering truth and guidance. Just one sentence from Jesus sets at least one boundary for prognosticators.  Most Christians can quote Jesus’ words by heart, a testament to the enduring truth of His teachings!  

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only..” Matthew 24:36 (NKJV)

Each false prediction has a detrimental effect on Christians and non-Christians alike.  It leads to more people distrusting Christ and the Word of God.  A spiritual “crying wolf” kills the idea of preparation for the day when it does come.  By then, it will be too late. The wolf will have devoured its prey.    The same exclamation of doubting people…the people we are trying to reach…was heard in the first century as well as the 21st Century:

What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.” 2 Peter 3:4 (NLT)

Nothing has changed.  Sunrise, sunset…life continues as it always has.  The waiting and false predictions lull people to sleep.  Paul said it this way,

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1 Thess. 5:3 (NKJV)

The enemy of souls works through man-inspired false predictions to discourage and procrastinate and make people unprepared. But there is a new deception regarding the second coming and the end of time as we know it. It is having the same adverse effects on both Christians and non-Christians. 

Setting Event Scenarios-A Growing Deception for 21st Century Christians:

It is not about setting dates but setting events.

Creating man-made scenarios leading up to the Second Coming is equally dangerous as time setting.  It is actually the same wolf in different clothing.    If the events don’t come true, they produce the same doubt, discouragement, and procrastination regarding preparing for the end of time. 

The proof is in the popular Biblical fiction novels written in the last several decades and turned into movies. These have made their authors wealthy, yet none of the predictions have come true.  Nor are they likely to come true because mainly because that is not the way God works.  I go back to the opening statement to keep the point:

  “Trying to navigate end-time events without a fundamental understanding of the Gospel will leave you confused about both.”

I heard of a young man who said, “I will get right with God when I see them building the temple in Jerusalem. If not, I have a second chance during the seven years of tribulation.”    Is this safe? Is this right?  What if He dies before then? Just as we know no man knows the day or the hour of His coming, there is another equally powerful statement from Jesus:

You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.

Matthew 24:24 (NLT)

God’s Prerogative to Bypass

Jesus’ teachings (particularly in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21) remind us that we can know His coming is near and inevitable in specific scenes. Nevertheless, we must remain ever-vigilant, as it is within God’s prerogative to bypass the scenarios we might have in our minds.

“…when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door.”

Matthew 24:33 (NLT)

Sometimes, we don’t listen to everything Jesus tells us.  Look closely at these two verses from Matthew 24

And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Matthew 24: 6 (NLT)

How Many Wars are going on now?  32! Since 1300 BC, thousands upon thousands of wars have been fought.  This will continue even up to the time Jesus will return.  Wars and rumors of wars are nothing new.  It will part of the landscape before the Lord comes.  We will never reach Utopia.

Will God Shorten the Final Events?

And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, those days will be shortened. Matthew 24: 22

From the words of Jesus, the answer to this question is “Yes!”

What does this mean? God, in His mercy, may shorten or even change the events of the end times.  We have precedence of this in the story of Jonah when God said He was going to destroy Ninevah in forty days:

The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai:“Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.” Jonah 1:1,2 (NLT)

We know the story of how Jonah ran away from God.  He may have been thinking, why preach a prophecy of destruction for the people of Nineveh when God had said He was going to destroy it? But Johnah missed the underlying nature of God to save the lost (the gospel!).  Eventually, Jonah preaches a message of destruction, but underneath it is the good news of a merciful God. 

Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: “Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you.”

This time, Jonah obeyed the Lord’s command and went to Nineveh, a city so large that it took three days to see it all. On the day Jonah entered the city, he shouted to the crowds: “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!” The people of Nineveh believed God’s message, and from the greatest to the least, they declared a fast and put on burlap to show their sorrow. Jonah 3: 1-5 (NLT)

The Forty Days came and went because they were convicted and repented of their sins.  Was it a false prophecy?  No.  It is God’s prerogative to change end-time events, particularly if the people repent, as did the city of Nineveh.

When God saw what they had done and how they had put a stop to their evil ways, he changed his mind and did not carry out the destruction he had threatened. Johah 3:10

Why did God change His mind?  It is because He is in the business of saving people!  This is the gospel!  Salvation! Destruction is not the gospel! 

“Trying to navigate end-time events without a fundamental understanding of the Gospel will leave you confused about both.”

 This leads us to consider the following question:

What Prompts the Father to Send Jesus Back?

What will push God the Father to send Jesus back to our sinful dying planet and rescue His people? As one reads the Bible, the answer is dynamic but understandable. However, those who don’t understand the gospel often provide multiple one-liners.  Here are a few:

  1. The temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt. I have looked at this closely and feel confident it is false. It is based on a severe misunderstanding of the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 and the role of literal Israel. This error helped create scenarios in the minds of second-coming fictional novels written in Lindsay and LaHay’s Left Behind novels.

  1. Christ’s character must be completely restored in His people. Christ’s character is a powerful witness when fully reproduced in His people. This underscores the importance of personal ongoing transformation as a result rather than the idea of salvation by reaching perfection. But I still don’t see from Scripture this as what God the Father is waiting on.  Has anyone ever reached this point?  We are perfect before God when we ask Jesus to come into our lives, and we believe him. 

His righteousness is imputed to us “And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. James 2:23

3.  Sin will get so bad that God’s wrath will send Jesus to destroy the earth. No doubt, sinful man will grow more and more wicked with each generation.  The world is headed to the same point as the antediluvians.  “Their thoughts were only evil continuously.”  Probably, the most hideous sin of all is the sex trafficking of children.  I don’t think Sodom and Gomorrah went this far. It makes most people want to eradicate those who do such things. Immoral sex is like a virus that infects a majority of the world.  It is listed as one of the identifying marks of those who perish forever: 

4. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”” Revelation 21:8

The gospel has to be preached to the entire world. This is a solid reason and is true because Jesus said,

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

Matthew 24:14

Everyone has to have a chance to hear the gospel!

This worldwide gospel preaching event demonstrates God’s power and desire that no one perishes, but all come to repentance.  This is why He waits.  It is His mercy for us and those we have been praying for!

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. 2 Peter 3: 9

Jesus did not provide details between the preaching of the gospel to the entire world and His coming. The apostles and disciples, including John, would later provide much more detail in the book of Revelation, which describes the seven last plagues, the time of trouble, the beast and his mark, etc.

All the scenarios above can make us comfortable because none have occurred and are unlikely to happen next week (except for the moral condition of the world)!

The Last Day on This Earth

So, what will the last day be like before the Lord returns? If we are to believe Jesus,  It will be a day just like every other one:

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24: 37-39

This sure sounds like Jesus comes and takes away the saved (Rapture.).  But look closely at the same passage in Luke.

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Luke 17: 26-27

Matthew and Luke are saying the same thing.  Those who are not prepared in Christ are taken away in destruction.  They are drowned (destroyed) in Noah’s day and destroyed by fire in Lot’s day. 

Likewise, as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

 Luke 27 28-29

I hope you don’t want to be taken in destruction but left from the destruction.

But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives should you live?

2 Peter 3: 10-11

Now is the Time to Be Prepared

The point of this writing is this.  Being prepared for Jesus’s return, which includes preparing for your death when there are no more changes, is today….

So the question today is:  “Are you waiting for certain events to happen before you get serious with God?  Will we be found like the person whose home is broken into?  Will it surprise us? Are you ready? What will be your response when Jesus comes?

Will it be…

“Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. 17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to survive?” Revelation 6: 16-17

or will it be…

“Behold, this is our God; We have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” Isaiah 25:9

Will you be going about your regular routine unprepared or will you be going about your routine and prepared?

Jesus tells us we can be prepared now…at this very moment.  The gospel and salvation are not complicated if you put your complete trust in Him!

How is your faith in Him?  Is your anchor in the solid Rock of Jesus? Be sure your anchor holds the solid rock. In times like this we need a Savior!

 Please take a moment to hear George Beverly Shea sing this song (Click Here). Here are a few of the words

In times like these, you need a Savior.
In times like these, you need an anchor.
Be very sure, be very sure.
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus. Yes, He’s the One
This Rock is Jesus, the only One.
Be very sure, be very sure.
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

In times like these, you need the Bible.
In times like these, O be not idle

Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus. Yes, He’s the One
This Rock is Jesus, the only One.
Be very sure, be very sure.
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

The Rest of the Story–Post-Resurrection

1.) The disciples were gathered on the first day of the week behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. They were not together to worship a risen Savior. It would be later that evening before Jesus appeared to them. Jesus would give them a Scripture study that told of the prophecies about Himself. Thomas wouldn’t see Jesus for eight more days. Then he would believe with the others.

Luke 24: 28-45, John 20:19, 26-28

2.) After the resurrection, Jesus was seen by all the Apostles and 500 other people, including Paul.

1 Corinthians 15: 1-8

3.) Jesus would stay on the earth, teaching the disciples and Apostles, for forty days before ascending to the Father, promising He would return “in like manner.”

Acts 1:1-11

4.) Believing in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead is necessary for salvation

Romans 10:9

5.) Our entire faith rests on Jesus rising from the dead. If He didn’t, we are still in our sins, our faith in Jesus is futile, and all our friends and family who were believers have perished. Also, it would mean all the eyewitnesses are liars.

1 Corinthians 15: 12-19

6.) Paul tells us that we are not to mourn for those who die in the Lord as those who mourn and have no hope. Hope in the coming of the Lord and our resurrection.

1 Thess 4: 13

7.) Our comfort concerning those who have died and slept in the Lord is that Jesus will come again with the shout of the Archangel, and they will rise from the grave. If we are alive, then we will meet the Lord in the air. It is then we will be with the Lord forever. He will take us to where He is now (Heaven, aka Paradise). It is these words that should comfort us and other believers.

1 Thess 4:16-18

Paul’s greatest desire was to know the power of the resurrection and to experience it. Is that your desire, too? You can ask the Lord to come into your life if it is. Then follow Him wherever He leads you. You, too, can experience the resurrection when you fall asleep in Christ.

 I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another, I will experience the resurrection from the dead!

Philippians 3: 10-11



But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,

Galatians 4:4

In “THE TIME IS FULFILLED”-Part 1, a similar statement regarding the coming of Jesus and the fullness of time was presented:

Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Mark 1:-14-15

God knows the end from the beginning. The events of His kingdom come exactly as predicted and on-time as well. When the time was fulfilled, God sent Jesus for our salvation. A cross awaited Him. But what does “the time is fulfilled” and “fullness of time” mean? The time had come in God’s great time clock for Jesus to appear as the “Lamb that takes away the sins of the world.”

The coming of Jesus as the Messiah was predicted down to the year and the season. That prophecy is found in Daniel 9. It tells not only of His arrival on the scene as the “Anointed One” but also of His crucifixion, His keeping of the covenant, the final rejection of Jesus by His covenant people, and the acceptance of Jesus by the Gentiles.

When I first understood this prophecy exactly as God spoke it to Daniel, my faith lept! It was increased! I hope it does the same for you.

A Prophecy Sealed Until Our Day

It is likely that the theologians of Jesus’ time on earth did not know of this prophecy because God had commanded that the words be sealed up until the time of the end:

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”…And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

Daniel 12: 4, 9-10

Did you notice in the passage above the description of the people on earth during the time of the end? Does it not describe our generation exactly?

Many running to and fro, knowledge will increase. Never in earth’s history has travel been so fantastic. At the beginning of the 20th century, just over 100 years ago. Mankind could travel only as fast as a horse could take him. Then it moved to train, planes, and automobiles.

*There are over 16. 4 million flights handled by the FAA every year. There were none just 100 years ago. (*US Transportation, Federal Aviation Commission

*There are 1.4 billion cars worldwide (as of 2022). There was just a handful 100 years ago. (*Hedges & Company)

Indeed, many people are running to and fro…to somewhere in the world and back either for work, pleasure, or vacations.

The prophecy also describes people made white (a metaphor for righteousness through Christ), contrasting the wicked who do not understand the times. What are they doing? They are living wickedly. They have become hedonistic (focused on pleasure, particularly sexually indulgent). No reference is required here. It is thrown in our faces everywhere and all the time.

So the prophecies were meant for our time. A society that needs proof. Perhaps your experience with Christ could use additional reasons for your faith. Let’s look at the prophecy that predicted the exact times of Jesus life upon the earth:


Daniel 9 Explained Clearly

Let’s read it thoroughly…

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks (7), and threescore (60) and two weeks (2): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

 And after threescore (60) and two weeks (2) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (1): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

Daniel 9: 24-27

If you count up the number in parenthesis, the sum will be  70 years mentioned at the start.  There is a reason why they are split up that way i.e., 7 weeks + 60 weeks + 2 weeks + 1 week.  This will be explained later.  For now, let’s figure out the starting date for the 70 years.

The setting for these verses is important in understanding the prophecy.  Daniel and his people (The Jews) had been taken captive by Babylon, and the city of Jerusalem was destroyed and lay desolate as prophesied by Jeremiah.  It was predicted by Jeremiah that they would be in captivity for 70 years!

“In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”

Daniel 9:2

As the 70 literal years drew near to the end, Daniel began to pray and confess his sins and the sins of the people (Verses 4-20). Then Gabriel (an angel) came and informed Daniel that he had come to

“give thee skill and understanding.” 

Daniel 9:22

Then Gabriel beings to explain verses 24:27 above.  But, this is part of the unexplained part of the 2300 days found in Daniel 8 (A study for another time)

From Daniel 9: 24-27 above, we observe the following:

70 weeks was given to Daniel’s people (Israelites) and the city of Jerusalem to:

  1. Finish the transgression.
  2. Make an end of sins.
  3. Make reconciliation for iniquity.
  4. Bring in everlasting righteousness.
  5. Seal up the vision and prophecy.
  6. Anoint the most Holy.

So God was giving the Jewish people 490 weeks to do all those things. Impossible to do on their own, but achievable under the power of a mighty God.  With God’s bidding comes His ability to do it through His strength.

So let’s set this stake in the ground:  The 70 weeks are given to the Jews.

An easy calculation shows that  70 weeks is 490 days (7 X 70).  In Bible prophecy, the day = year principle should be used to unlock the timelines for history.  The verses that support this principle can be found in the passages below:

 “After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.”

Numbers 14:34

  “And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.”

Ezekiel 4:6

God was giving the Jewish people 490 years for their assignment.  During this time, he sent prophets and others to inspire and help keep them close to Him.  But as one reads their story, it is quickly seen that they often went after other gods and forsook the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob…the one and only true Creator God!

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city…”

Daniel 9: 24

If we can determine where the 490 years began (with certainty), we can understand the other parts of the prophecy.

The timelines start here:

“….from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.”

Daniel 9: 25

This command to restore and build Jerusalem can be found in Ezra Chapter 7, when Artaxerxes gave the commandment in 457 BC (**See the notes at the end).

So, now that we have a starting date, let’s see where it takes us:  The first stop is the coming of the Messiah, the Prince.

“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince….

Daniel 9: 25

The Messiah, the Prince, can refer only to Jesus himself.  He is both the Messiah and a Prince

He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.

John 1:41

Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

John 1:45

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

From this, we know that from the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Jesus would be a certain length of time.  How long?

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks (7), and threescore (60) and two weeks (2): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Daniel 9: 25

From 457 BC to Jesus is prophesized to be 69 weeks or 483 days, or 483 prophetical years.  Let’s do some math:

Starting at 457 BC and moving through history 483 years brings us to the fall of 27 AD.

This is the date Jesus was baptized by John (anointed), and He began his ministry as the prophecy predicted. Here is an important verse in connection with Jesus’ baptism:

“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

Matthew  3:16

A dove represents the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

69 weeks or 483 years of the 70 weeks or 490 years has been explained.  Isn’t it comforting to know that God, through the prophet Daniel let the world know when Jesus would come on the scene?

 Now let’s look at the last week or 7 years.  This is where Hal Lindsey and his followers use the 7 years as a period of tribulation.  They disconnect it from this timeline and attempt to run it down to the end of time after Jesus “raptures the church.”

But we will let the verses speak for themselves and maintain the timeline that is constantly demonstrated in the book of Daniel.  If we keep the last week in the context of the remainder of the prophecy, as it was intended, we learn the most interesting part of this prophecy.

Daniel tells us Jesus would be cut off, after His 3 1/2 years of ministry as the Son of Man and Messiah:

“Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:….”

Daniel 9: 26

Jesus died for our sins and not for Himself.  Would you not agree that this verse is a direct reference to Jesus?

But before He is cut off, he would do the following:

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,

Daniel 9:27″

Jesus was to “confirm the covenant with many for one week or 7 days, which is 7 years in prophecy. But He is “cut off” in the middle of the week or 3 1/2 days, which is 3 1/2 years in prophetic time.

Jesus’ ministry was exactly that long (3 1/2 years) before He was “cut off” or crucified on a Roman cross in 31 AD.  He ministered from 27 AD to 31 AD.

As Daniel 9:27 stated, the sacrifices and oblations also ended at the time of Jesus’ death.  The law of ceremonies had taught the Jewish nation about the price of sin, the sacrifice for it, and the plan of salvation.  Those ceremonial laws were the school master at bringing people to Jesus and help them understand the lesson of sin, forgiveness, and grace.  The School Master died forever the day Jesus died on the cross as the true Lamb of God.

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

Galatians 3:24, 25

All the festivals, drink and meat offerings, and special Sabbath days (Not the weekly Sabbath) were shadows pointing to the body of Jesus.   All those had served their purpose and were fulfilled in Christ:

“Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”

Colossians 2:17

The schoolmaster is not the ten commandments (which are eternal) as some may try to assert.

On the other side of the cross before Jesus, the people looked forward in faith to Jesus (the Messiah) and what He would do for them.  All of us on this side of the cross look back in faith at what Jesus has done for us.

It is all about faith regardless of where a person stands in time.

 Something extraordinary occurred at the crucifixion of Christ to demonstrate the truthfulness of the two verses above:

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

Matthew 27: 50, 51

Thus ended the rounds of ceremonies and the laws put in place by Moses to teach about Jesus.  Please note:  These laws did not include the 10 commandments as some would assert.  A study for another time.

Jesus told His disciples this:

 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.“

Matthew 15: 24

By directing the priority of their mission, Jesus was “confirming the covenant” with the children of Israel during His ministry.  With them, He spent most of His time.  His plea for the coming Kingdom of God was a message primarily to the Jews.

He also told His disciples to do the same:

“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 10: 5, 6

The disciples did this for 3 1/2 more years after Jesus was “cut off” or crucified in 31 AD. The timeline takes us 3  1/2 years forward to the end of the 70 weeks or 490 years.

In the year 34 AD, some interesting things happen to mark the end of the 490 years “determined”  or “cut off” for the Jewish nation:

In this year, Stephen was martyred, and Paul was converted to be the teacher to the Gentiles

“I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.” 

2 Timothy 1:11

A very interesting passage of scripture also marks the end of 70 weeks given to the Jews to do all those things of the covenant listed in Daniel 9.  It is a point where the responsibility of carrying the gospel to the entire world is taken off the shoulders of the Jews and given to the Gentiles. It is the point where God determines who is a real Jew or seed of Abraham.

Paul and Barnabas were preaching to a large group, but were interrupted by the Jews because of the large following of the two disciples.  Those religious leaders who were interrupting contradicted Paul and Barnabas and actually blasphemed God!  But it is what Paul and Barnabas say that marks the Spiritual transition from Jew to Gentile.

 “But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.

Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

Acts 13:  45, 46

The appointed people of God had failed to keep the covenant (agreement), and God turned to the Gentiles and made them heir to the promises of God:

“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.“

Galatians 3:29

No longer was there a distinction between literal Jew and God’s chosen people simply identified as belonging to Christ:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.“

Galatians 3:28

 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Romans 2:28, 29

So Jesus came the time was full…when the events of Daniel 9 were complete, God sent forth His Son to teach and become a sacrifice for our sins. After His resurrection and return to the Father, The anointing of the Holy Spirit was given to all who would believe Him to finish the work and proclaim to the world, “The time is fulfilled.” Jesus is coming soon, but this time, there is no succinct time line…But Jesus did give us signs and warnings. Indeed, our God is an On-time God. Below is a chart that helps explain the timelines:

Appendix-For Deeper Study

Notes about the dates described above:

Ezra has three decrees with different dates that could be used.  Nehemiah has a date also.  But in the decision as to which one to use, you must keep in mind the keywords of the prophecy: “the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.” There is no reference to the rebuilding the temple, although that was part of the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

The four decrees are :
1.) The decree of Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-4)
2.) The decree of Darius I (Ezra 6:1-12)
3.) The decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanuus) (Ezra 7: 12-26)
4.) The decree of Artaxerxes (Nehemiah Chapters 1 and 2)

Let’s eliminate some of the dates  based on the guiding verse of Daniel 9:25

Ezra 1-gave instruction only for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Said nothing about the whole city.  We can eliminate this date.

Ezra 6-simply the endorsement by Darius of the decree of Cyrus.  Only mentions the building of the “house of God.” We can eliminate this date.

Ezra 7 makes provision for the complete restoration of the Jewish state, including the right to appoint magistrates and judges, hold trials, and pass and execute sentences upon violators of their own national laws. This date fits the idea of “restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem.” 

Nehemiah 2-Wording has not been preserved, but was simply a reinstatement of Artaxerxes original authorization to Ezra recorded in Ezra chapter 7.

Determination of the date of the decree: It was in the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign (Ezra 7:7,8)

Biblical evidence for the 457 BC start date:

The dates for Artaxerxes’ reign are well documented in ancient sources: Greek historians, Ptolemy’s Canon
The Babylonian business tablets
Elephantine papyri from Egypt
From the above documents, we know that Xerxes was killed in late December of 465 B.C. and the reign of Artaxerxes began at the time.

Artaxerxes ReignFall to Fall
First year464/463 B.C.
Second year463/462 B.C.
Third year462/461 B.C.
Fourth year461/460 B.C.
Fifth year460/459 B.C.
Sixth year459/458 B.C.
Seventh year458/457 B.C.

Therefore, the seventh year of Artaxerxes, according to Jewish reckoning, extended from the fall of 458 to the fall of 457 B. C.

Note: the references in this prophecy to the destruction of the city and temple and desolations:

“….the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined… for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”

Daniel 9:27

This is not a reference to a small historical character called Antiochus or a future Anti-Christ, but to the total destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD as predicted by Jesus himself when he told the disciples.  There has never been a temple since then and never will be!

“Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Matthew 24:2 

“Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,.  Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not e in the winter or on the Sabbath.   For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

Matthew 24: 15-22

The total destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman soldiers was horrible.  Many who tried to escape were crucified outside the city.  At one time, the number of crosses outside the city almost made it look like a forest of trees.  Those who heeded the advice of Jesus escaped the city and remained alive.

The abomination of the fourth beast of Rome made desolate the once proud city of Jerusalem.  The rebellion of the Jewish nation was humbled forever.

The church of Jesus replaced the Jewish nation as His witness.  Now if you are Christ’s, you are a person of the promise.

The temple and the city were destroyed, never to be rebuilt again.  The next city is the Holy City, New Jerusalem, built by the Lord Himself.  It will come down from heaven and set up on the new earth.

 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Revelation 21: 1 – 3


God will not allow us to destroy the earth. He will destroy the planet while we are nearing self-annihilation.

And should destroy those who destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18 b

The preceding verses here in Revelation 11:18 describe the earth’s condition when we are near destroying ourselves through atomic weapons. John had to write this verse in faith because he could probably not imagine such power man would possess to literally destroy the entire earth. But we have arrived just in one generation.

The nations are angry, and so is God!

The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,  Revelation 11: 18

God has reserved the destruction of the earth for Himself.

But the heavens and the earth, which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition (destruction) of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:7


Before we move along, let’s review a key component of this coming destruction. It begins with the return of Christ.

In the last article, we clearly answered the following question from the Bible, “Doesn’t Matthew 24:37-41 Say One Is Taken (Raptured) and the Other Left Behind?”

God’s word precisely describes the following about the second coming when Jesus appears in the sky and “every eye shall see Him.” Note: I am not addressing the tribulation in this article. That topic will be for another time.

The Literal Return of Christ Summary:

1.) It is not a quiet or secret event. It is a powerful rescue of God’s people! Every person alive (whether lost or saved) sees Him coming (Rev. 1:7)

2.) It is a destructive event. God destroys the earth and its contents by fire. (2 Peter 3: 10-13)

3.) There are two different responses to the second coming: The response of God’s people and the response of the wicked. The wicked run and hide (Revelation 6:16). The redeemed rejoice! (Isaiah 25:9)

4.) All can hear it! He descends with a shout and a loud trumpet. (1 Thess 4:16)

5.) Jesus’ literal return is the keeping of a promise He made and is the hope of His followers. I go and prepare a place…I will return again. His rescue is not in two parts. (John 14: 1-3)


To this point in this review, we have primarily shown that when Christ returns, there are two classes of saved people:

1.) The saved alive who will not see death.

2.) The saved of all ages who are “dead in Christ.”

Both classes are given immortality here and rise from the earth to meet the Lord in the air. It is here that eternity begins. There are two very clear verses that support this clearly:

 For the Lord, Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord. *Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

Notice the key statements:

1.) Lord Himself comes down with a shout, voice, and a trumpet (you can hear it). So can the lost, as we will see.

2.) The “dead in Christ” rise first. Graves open up, and out come the saved of all ages.

3.) Then those who are alive who were protected by the Lord during the tribulation rise to meet those who were resurrected and the Lord in the air. Notice the word “remain.” Some translations use the word “left.” This alludes to the fact that they were left or remained after the plagues that hit the earth. An example: If a house burns down that has a full library. There might be some books that were destroyed and some that were in a safe which were “left” or untouched by the fire.

4.) From this point forward, the redeemed will spend eternity with the Lord

*These are the words (as described in 1 Thess 4: 16-18) where we are to find comfort. Why is this verse hardly ever mentioned at funerals? Instead, the pagan idea of the bodiless soul going immediately to heaven is described, yet there is no biblical evidence of this. That falsehood contradicts both 1 Thess 4: 16-18 that we just read and Paul’s further details found in the 15th Chapter of 1 Corinthians:

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 1 Corinthians 15: 51-54

Again, notice the key statements:

1.) Not all will sleep (die)

2.) The saved are “changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” Note: it is the change that is very fast…not the second coming.”

3.) The dead (in Christ) are raised incorruptible (No longer subject to decay)

4.) God gives (puts on) the redeemed incorruption and immortality to their resurrected bodies in a flash.

5.) When this change to our bodies is made, it is then that the saying “Death is swallowed up in victory.” can be made. It cannot be made at the grave site or at a funeral. It is only when Jesus returns.

Somehow, we have made dying the gateway to immortality, but without the return of Christ and our resurrection, we are all lost. We might as well live it up, for tomorrow, we die forever.

For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen.  And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!  Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable…If the dead do not rise, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”

1 Corinthians 15: 16-19, 32b


What Happens to the Lost at the Return of Christ?

We have already seen “that every eye” will see the return. The wicked cannot stand to see Jesus when He comes. They run anywhere to hide from the face of the Lamb:

They Can’t Stand the Sight of His Coming

 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” Revelation 6: 15-17

The key points are:

1.) Every person who does not love Jesus’ appearing on the earth, (regardless of their economic status) cannot stand the sight and try to flee to dark places. They ask a question that is answered in the next chapter of Revelation: “Who is able to stand?”

a.) The sealed of Israel. This is not literal Jews, but those who are “in Christ. A study for another time.

b.) The vast multitude of those who are alive and survived the great tribulation through the power of God. “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Rev. 7: 14

Some have suggested that the 144,000 and the vast multitude are the same group of people. Another study for another time.

They Are Destroyed By The Brightness of His Coming:

As far back as the Old Testament, the fate of the lost has been described. Here is a clear example:

“For behold, the day is coming,
Burning like an oven,
And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“That will leave them neither root nor branch.…You shall trample the wicked,
For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
On the day that I do this,
Says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 4: 1

Key Points:

1.) That day will be like an oven

2.) All who do wickedly will be like stubble and will be burned up

3.) Burned up means nothing left (neither a root nor a branch left)

4.) They shall be turned to ashes

Paul describes the same event in 2 Thessalonians:

 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,  and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2: 8-11

Key Point

1.) As shown earlier, Christ’s return is destructive. God destroys the “lawless one” (aka Antichrist) and those who perish with “him” because they did not love the truth. They chose the convenience and selfishness of a lie.

What are the Second Death and the Second Resurrection?

Both Jesus and John talk of two resurrections:

Jesus clearly states that all who are in the graves will be resurrected. But the resurrections have two different results: life or condemnation.

 Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. John 5: 28-30

John, who recorded Jesus’ statement above, adds more detail about the timing of the two resurrections. They are separated by 1,000 years:

And they (the saved) lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20: 4-6

Key Points as we compare with previous verses:

1.) When Christ returns, those in the grave are resurrected. They are in the “first resurrection.”

2.) Those in the first resurrection (along with those who were alive at the return of Christ) live and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. A lot of our questions are answered during this time.

3.) The second death has no power over those who are reigning with Christ for this 1,000 years.

4.) Those who were wicked and dead when Christ returned were not resurrected until the end of the 1,000 years. Those who were wicked and alive were destroyed by the brightness of the Lord’s return. Both the wicked dead and the wicked destroyed are raised at the second resurrection at the end of 1,000 years.

5.) The wicked at the return of Christ die twice! One on earth and again for eternity after their judgment. The second death is forever with no hope. Fire comes down and devours them. “And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.” Revelation 20:9

6.) The ultimate fate of the unbelievers is “perishing,” as John described in that famous verse John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Notice the fate of the lost: “Perish.” It is contrasted with the believers’ gift of everlasting life. The lost do not have everlasting life in a burning place.

For more on hell, see these two articles:

1.) Hell-Let Us Reason Together

2.) Lord Teach Me About Hell Part 1

3.) Did Jesus Really Teach More About Hell Than Heaven?

Christian, Do you really want to believe in a God who so loved the world that He would burn the lost or quad trillions of years without mercy? This is a horrible picture of burning people in some corner of the universe. Do you really know Jesus if you believe this pagan picture?

At the end of the 1,000 years, John describes (in the next Chapter 21) the “New Jerusalem” coming down out of heaven. It is at this point that God creates a new heaven and a new earth. The saved of all ages spend eternity with sin and death destroyed forever. God dwells with His people in the new dwelling place of God…with His people who have been redeemed

 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21: 1-4

Key Points

1.) Like John, the redeemed will be witnesses to God creating a new heaven and a new earth! Praise God! What a sight!

2.) The New Jerusalem, currently residing in heaven, will come to this new earth!

3.) God will reside with us here on the new earth!

4.) All tears, sorrow, crying, and pain will be eliminated…gone forever. Praise our Holy God!!

One last picture. Each month and each week, we will be worshiping together. Congregating will be continued on the new earth!

“For as the new heavens and the new earth
Which I will make shall remain before Me,” says the Lord,
“So shall your descendants and your name remain.
23 And it shall come to pass
From one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,

All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the Lord. Isaiah 66:22-23

Just as the Sabbath of the 10 commandments commemorated the creation of the earth, this “new” Sabbath will honor the new earth…a new creation. And as on the first earth, we will work six days and then worship on the seventh day.

They shall build houses and inhabit them;
They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
They shall not build and another inhabit;
They shall not plant and another eat;
For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people,
And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. Isaiah 65: 21-22

Heaven, as we call it, will be a real place on a real earth.

Summary of the Fate of all People

In this simple chart, we see the fate of everyone who has ever lived on this planet. There are only two places: eternal life on a new planet or eternal death. You can have the promise of eternity today through Jesus. Will you repent of your sins and turn to Him? He will gladly save you from yourself and the wiles of the enemy.

Both dead and alive, go where Jesus is now at His second coming.Destroyed by the brightness of His coming
Spend 1,000 years in New Jerusalem-A Honey Moon of sortsLay in the grave for 1,000 years
At the end of the 1,000 years, the redeemed come down in the New Jerusalem with JesusAre resurrected in the resurrection of the condemnation.
Resurrected and then try to attack the New Jerusalem. God sends fire down from heaven. This is the second death for the wicked. They died once on earth and once at the end of the 1,000 years. They perish for eternity.
The redeemed enjoy eternity without any more pain or death. They build houses and plant vineyards and enjoy the work of their hands in immortal bodies. They worship on the Sabbath.Like Satan, never shall they be anymore. Ezekiel 28: 18-19

Doesn’t Matt. 24: 37-41 say one is taken (raptured) and the other left behind?

In a previous article, I wrote regarding the Second Coming made simple. This question came up regarding the rapture and those left behind. We will examine this passage closely, comparing it with Luke’s parallel passage of the same event. But, first, a quick review of just a few clear passages from the Bible about the return of Christ.

The disciples of Christ understood the clarity of the events of Jesus’ return. They never contradicted each other. They only added clarity. So it is with the question today. Taking each disciple’s description into account, we can get a clear picture. Today’s Bible passage (Matthew 24:40-41) is often used to support the secret rapture and left-behind theory. Books and even movies have built a picture that is not entirely accurate. We will examine the question of the day from two different disciples and find out exactly what is being described.

As we study the return of Christ, we begin to understand that,

1.) It is not a quiet or secret event. It is a powerful rescue of God’s people!

John described the brightness of the event that is seen by all who are alive at that time, including the wicked and those who are ” dead in Christ.” As John describes it,

“He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7

2.) It is a destructive event

Peter describes this very clearly. heavens pass away with a great noise. Even the elements (including the earth) melt with fervent heat.

 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up… the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 

2 Peter 3:10, 12

3.) There are two different responses to the second coming:

The unprepared or lost cry for the rocks to…“Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” Rev. 6:16

The prepared cry out,

“Behold, this is our God; We have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.

Isaiah 25:9

4.) All can hear it!

Paul described the event as loud (shout and voice of an archangel, and a trumpet of God). All can hear it! Even those who died in Christ!

For the Lord, Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

1 Thess 4: 16

5.) Jesus’ literal return is the keeping of a promise He made and is the hope of His followers

The hope He gave you and I was that He would go away and prepare a place and then return to take us where He is now. This does not happen at death but when He returns.

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

John 14: 1-3


Let’s take a look at the passage today and see if it supports the “left-behind” theory of the rapture despite the clear picture painted by the disciples regarding Jesus’ return.

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,  and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.

Matthew 24: 37-41

Here is a list of the key components of this passage:

  • Matthew compares the second coming of Christ to the days before the flood. This context helps us understand the events of the second coming.
  • He states that the flood came and took the unprepared away. Notice it is not the saved (i.e., Noah and his family) that were taken away.
  • Matthew says it will be the same on the day of Christ’s return, i.e., The unprepared are going about the routine of life, not expecting the end of time and the return of Christ. But on that day, the unprepared die in the flood waters. You would have to really add to this passage to say, they are left behind to endure the tribulation.

So Matthew is saying that those unprepared at the second coming will be like the unprepared of Noah’s time, who were “taken away” by the flood waters and died.

Luke’s account adds clarity to this in his description by not using the “took away” phrase but rather the clearer word for modern ears, “destroyed.”

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

Luke 24:26

Matthew and Luke describe the exact same thing but use different words (“took away” is the same as “destroyed.”)

So this fits perfectly with the other disciples who described the second coming as a “destructive event” for this sinful earth and the wicked who have turned their back on God.

Please notice that there are 4 classes of people at the return of Christ mentioned in our passages today:

1.) Those who are alive and saved (they meet the Lord in the air.)

2.) Those who are dead in Christ and saved (they are resurrected and meet the Lord in the air.)

3.) Those who are alive and lost. (They are destroyed by the brightness of His coming.-See 2 Thess 2:8)

4.) But the 4th group, those who were already dead and lost; what happens to them?

The simple answer is they are resurrected too, but not for a thousand years. This we will study next time.

But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished….Blessed and holy is he who has a part in the first resurrection. Over such, the second death has no power.

Revelation 20: 5, 6

Jesus said there are two resurrections which John also described here in Revelation. This we will examine next time:

Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

John 5:28-29

What is this second death, and what happens to the lost who were destroyed at Christ’s return and the lost dead that come up in the second resurrection after the thousand years?


“At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Everyone who is found written in the book.

Daniel 12:1

The Doctrine of Fear?

A well-meaning friend with concern about end-times said,

” I hope I am not alive when Jesus returns because I don’t think I could endure the time of trouble.”

A different statement from another friend:

I don’t worry about the time of trouble because God will rapture the church before it all starts.”

Regardless of what one believes about tribulation, “pre-tribulation” or “post-tribulation,” there is a danger in both of the two responses above.

For the easy-way-out person, i.e., “I don’t have to worry about the time of trouble,” spiritual preparation to trust God to the uttermost becomes a low priority. The health and wealth “gospel” and mindset leave a person with the possibility of great disappointment and exposure should their thinking be incorrect.

The believer who worries that they want to escape trials and trouble through death is equally in danger. They don’t have faith in God to strengthen and protect them even when times are rough before the great time of trouble.

There is a third response. It is a response of faith that can conquer any situation.

“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me,
Pilippians 4:14


Can this mindset be true even during a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation? Trust in God to the uttermost has been demonstrated throughout the Church’s history. Persecution of believers who have this level of faith reflects God’s power, truth, and grace even while being burned at the stake.

Endurance and Salvation

The endurance of believers is the theme of encouragement for us in the last days. They are found all through the Bible and the history of Jesus’ church. It is a biblical certainty prophesied by Jesus and recorded for us in Matthew, John, and Mark.

“…If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…
John 15:20


And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
Matthew 10:22


When Jesus spoke about the last generation on planet earth, He said,

And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  but he who endures to the end shall be saved.  Matthew 24:12


At the end of time, the strong in Christ endure the pressure of the beast’s power (political and religious entity). They are faithful and obedient to the commands of God. As a result, they are recognized specifically as those…

who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name,
Revelation 15:2 


There is no doubt that the believers, i.e., His Church, go through this terrible time of trouble to glorify God and reward those who endure to the end. They are singled out as victorious over anything the Beast Satan (dragon) can throw at them.

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17


God’s Purpose

What is the purpose of all persecution and suffering? Paul said it this way:

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
Romans 8:1


Suffering has a purpose: God’s glory revealed in us!

Enduring times of trouble is an opportunity to demonstrate the level of faith and strength God gives you in mini-trials throughout your Jesus’ journey. The daily exercises in faith build the bone and muscle of the believer’s confidence!

The ancient prophet, Jeremiah, asks this relevant and revealing question:

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? 
Jeremiah 12:5


In modern terms, If we can’t trust God in the small challenges of life, how will we have confidence in Him in the large things? Paul, that great man of God, encourages us to be conquerors and tells us nothing can separate us from God. Is this fact of Jesus true for you today? Do you believe He is with you through good times and bad times?

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8: 37-39


God’s continual presence, love, and victory is are demonstrated in the conquering power God gives us!

Protection During The Time of Trouble

When modern Bible fiction writers and their followers talk about the time of trouble, they emphasize the terrible conditions during the great tribulation predicted by Daniel and Jesus. They paint a dark, bleak picture of the beast’s actions in Revelation 13 and the Anti-Christ, followed by God’s judgments of the seven last plagues of Revelation 16. And, I might say, “rightly so.” These judgments are not warnings; they are actions of a Holy God, who has determined enough is enough!

These judgments fall on the people of the earth who have rejected God. At the same time, His people are protected from the effects of the judgments falling on planet earth. There is precise precedence for this type of situation.

A foreshadowing of God’s protection during the plagues is presented in the story of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt.

Just as God protected His people in the days before they were delivered from the might of Egypt, God will protect His people in the last days of rescue from a fallen world.

As you read the story of Israel’s preparation for deliverance, notice the plagues fell on the Pharaoh and Egypt while God’s people were still in Egypt! When the last plague of the death angel who slew the firstborn. God asked the Israelites to put their protection in the blood of the lamb by putting the lamb’s blood on the doorposts. The angel of death “passed over” the home that had followed God’s commands. That event is celebrated to this day through the ceremony of The Passover. So it will be in the last days, God will pass over those who are hidden in Christ and depend upon His blood for their salvation! David must have been reflecting on the power of God’s protection when he wrote:

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
Psalm 91: 9-10


There were ten plagues in Egypt; there will be seven in the time of trouble. Just as God protected His people in Egypt, God will protect His people in the final days of the planet in rebellion against God.

The view of faith to endure via God’s grace and strength is more Biblical than the easy way out. The person who fears such times may lack the faith that is available every day until the proclamation of God seals the fate of those who have faith in Christ and are alive just before He comes.

He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

Revelation 22: 11-12

…when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Luke 18:8


Jesus asked this rhetorical question directed at the disciples, with the Pharisees nearby, demonstrating the importance of faith before He returns.

Trust (faith) in Jesus propels the believer through the toughest of times, even the great tribulation.

As mentioned at the start, some pastors ignore the topic of the coming great tribulation, saying things like, “I won’t be here anyway.” The proverbial head in the sand would apply here. To give an easy way out of the turmoil upon the earth in the final days eliminates the story of victory, the rejoicing of overcoming, and the glorification of God through us! The demonstration to the universe of believers staying faithful to God even amid extreme difficulty is lost if their faith is not seen! It is a smooth doctrine of peace and safety for an escape.

“At That Time”

In the final chapter of Daniel, the angel describes a point where Michael “stands up.” This motion is a powerful allusion to strength, decision, and finality. In modern terminology, Jesus has had enough. The wicked and their leaders have crossed a line. Their continuous battles and wars have gone too far (See Daniel 11 for context).

In Daniel 12: 1, the “time” is described in this order:

1.) Jesus, who watches over His people, stands up.

2.) A time of trouble begins after Jesus stands up

3.) At that time (time of trouble), the people are delivered whose name is written in the book of life. This is not a deliverance FROM the time of trouble but THROUGH the time of trouble. This is not wordplay but the context of precedence. Think of all the characters in the Bible and Church History. They did not escape persecution; they endured it. Examples: the disciples, the early Christians, those in the dark ages against the powerful Roman church, and even those in modern-day Islamic-controlled countries.

After Jesus stands up, He returns to take up His people to where He is now (John 14: 1-3). Those who remain alive after the terrible catastrophes on the earth AND those who sleep in the dust! Those who never see death are few and far between, but they have endured through the power of their faithful God and Jesus Christ. These faithful few will witness the most spectacular event of all times…” never since there was a nation.” Here is a description from three inspired writers of the Bible:

“And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake…”
Daniel 12:2


And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Job 19:26


The context of the above verses gives hope to believers that the dead will come to live again.

Christian brothers, we want you to know for sure about those who have died. You have no reason to have sorrow as those who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and then came to life again. Because we believe this, we know that God will bring to life again all those who belong to Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-14


Book of Life-And Believers at the End

All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:8

The context of Revelation 13:8 is the two beasts that enforce economic sanctions on earth’s people (verses 1 and 11-17). Those not in the book of life will worship him (the sea beast). Conversely, those written in the book of life don’t worship the beast and his image. This last group is the believers. They are on earth to glorify God and demonstrate His power.

Since the anti-Christ and the beast are part of the time of trouble, it confirms God’s people are still on earth and standing faithfully for the Lord by obeying His command to have no other gods before them, not to bow down and worship graven images. This same scenario is found in Daniel 3. The golden image and the command to bow down and worship it under the duress of the death decrees. But God’s people stand firm.

Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12


Notice that this small group has patience, and they are identified as loyal to God’s commandments and have faith like Jesus!

Is this deliverance before or during the time of trouble? Delivered from what? How is the deliverance accomplished? The next verse in Daniel 12 adds context to the deliverance.

And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life
Daniel 12: 2


At this time, those living in peace and safety in our society are a sensitive narcissistic generation who could care less about God. They are caught unaware when the Lord “stands up.”

They have become like the people of Noah,’ and Lot’s generations. They are described as going about their normal routines of life just before destruction. Jesus described it this way,

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:  They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Luke 17: 26-30


These unbelievers wrapped up in everyday life apart from God are contrasted with those who stay faithful to God. Their eyes are looking upward. They are protected and saved. The others are looking to nature to save them:

Two Different Responses:

Those who have made God their refuge…their hiding place, stand in the open as Jesus returns and proclaims,

“Behold, this is our God; We have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”
Isaiah 25:9


Those who have failed at faith or ignored it, will say,

and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Revelation 6:16-17

The answer to the question in Revelation is this:.

Those who are able to stand are the believers who have put their complete trust in Jesus and His word daily. This choice has resulted in faith that is able to endure the most difficult time of planet earth.

My friend, Jesus wants to save you to the uttermost. Take time just now to examine yourself and commit your whole life and situations to total trust in Jesus every step of the way. You will develope strength for whatever is thrown your way. Would you do it just now?

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”
2 Corinthians 13:5



The secular community, as well as Christians, pretentiously poked fun at Harold Camping’s prediction of the “Rapture.”  He said it would occur on May 21, 2011.  The day came and went as usual.  Christians all over the world knew from the words of Jesus himself that Mr. Camping’s prediction was in error.

“But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Matthew 24:36 

Just one verse in scripture is enough for anyone who would attempt to narrow down the Second-Coming to a particular day or hour.  Most Christians can quote it by heart!  We can trust in Jesus’ word on this. But it is just one verse among many others Jesus had to say about His coming! Matthew 24 is a great source of plain language about the Second Coming if read in its context (without adding or subtracting) will prepare the sincere seeker of truth to be prepared for that great day!

Even though the faithful watchers can discern the times, Jesus will come at a time when they do not expect it, but they can be prepared!

“So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!” …”Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:33, 44

On the other hand, those not prepared are not looking for Jesus and are going about their normal routine. To them, Jesus will come as a thief in the night…totally unexpected. But to the watchers, they will not be overtaken as a thief as we shall see in this study.

Second Coming Shams

There are a host of other shams thrown at us by the enemy more complicated and tougher to unravel.   Many rely on non-biblical reasoning or sources concerning the Second-Coming. Examples:

“If my grandmother believed it, that is good enough for me.”

“If it is on the internet, it must be right. “

“The religious programming and books can’t be wrong.”

“The nice preacher on the TV is telling the truth.  Look at his big church!”

But, the enemy is at work with trickery that is so deceptive that even the best of Christians could be deceived.

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.“ Matthew 24:24

This warning by Jesus tells those who will listen that false christs (Messiahs), and false prophets (teachers, forecasters) will use the platform of religion to promote falsehoods that could deceive the “elect.”  The word for “elect” as translated from the Greek is the word, “eklektos.”  It means those “chosen by God”

These events and teachings are a strong delusion, but the implication is that the “elect” are not deceived.  What makes this group different?  Very simply, they listen to the voice of Jesus and His word.  Their guiding principle is Sola Scriptura.  The Bible alone.  Scripture comes first before the words of any person, book, movie, or institution.

“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20

The situation in the last days is very profound. The magnitude of the deception is revealed through God’s word. Paul gave an important warning when He wrote to the Corinthians,  He stated plainly that evil appears to be good!  The bad guy is in a white hat!

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. II Corinthians 11:14. 

This verse tells us that Satan and his servants can look like an angel (messenger) of light!  Satan can even use scripture to lead people down the wrong path. He certainly tried with Jesus during the days of temptation in the wilderness.  But, Jesus knew His Father and He knew the word of God.

As Christians were quoting Matthew 24:36 when Camping made his prognostication, it would have been well for all of us to read the entire chapter and listened closely to the instruction Christ gave his disciples when they asked,

“…what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?  Matthew 24:3. 

His answer? 

“Take heed that no man deceive you. Matthew 24:4

The very first words out of Jesus’ mouth regarding the sign of His coming and the end of the world is a warning to LISTEN so that no man deceive you! 

 Deception in the Manner of His Coming

As we have seen from Matthew 24:36, Jesus himself does not know when he will return, but He knows there will be deception involved.   But the deception is not just only the timing, but the way He comes back to earth.

The whole of Matthew  24 and the parallel chapters in the other Gospels tell of  Jesus as He described to the disciples how He would return. It is straight forward with no ambiguity! Why is this important, especially to Christians? Could it be that even Christians could be deceived and thereby lost? If you read Jesus’ warning, it is primarily to His followers. The lost of this world could care less.

“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. ” 1 Thessalonians 5: 3

Recently, I heard a well-known TV evangelist say he doesn’t look at the signs or worry about the mark of the beast and other end-time-events because that is for those in the tribulation to worry about. Is this true? Isn’t this a dangerous way to prepare for Christ’s return? Is this not the object of the enemy’s falsehood to feel secure in something that is opposite from the teaching of Jesus?  

We will use primarily Mathew 24 for this first study.   Jesus’ return is not just about the “when” but the “how.”  Rest assured, the “elect” will know that his coming is near; by the signs he left us. If they are a student of the word of God, they will have stored up the truth in their minds and walked in the light.

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 1Thessalonians 5: 4-6

Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. Revelation 3:3

How We Got Confused

There was a time when Christians knew how Jesus would come and many of the events of His coming by simply reading the portions of scripture that plainly tell of His coming.  In the last several years, there are books, movies, radio programs,  preachers and teachers with a different story that is not based on plain scripture but rather on a script from Hollywood or a book.

In the study of Jesus’ Second Coming, there is no need for any fanciful interpretation or any deep study.  It is plain and simple; written for all men, women, and children, not just university theologians or popular TV preachers.

Staying in Matthew 24, Jesus goes on to describe his Second Coming in verse 27-31:

For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Matthew 24: 27-31

What do you see in the words of Jesus regarding his coming?  Is it secret?  Are only a few Christians affected by it?  Is it in two parts or just one?  From the verses above, we can plainly see:

  • His coming is bright like lightning!  While lightning is quick, the comparison here is not the speed but by the brightness (shining)! The reference to shining involves sight.  Is there anything quite or secret about lightning that lights up the whole sky from east to west?
  • There is a tribulation before he comes and the sun is darkened and the moon does not give her light and the stars fall from heaven (massive meteorite shower?) and the powers of the heavens are shaken!  Can anyone miss this?  Is the tribulation before or after he comes?  It is before he comes!
  • Those who are lost see the sign of the Son of man in heaven and the people of the earth mourn!  They see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. They are not left to wonder.  They see Him!
  • He sends his angels with a great sound!  You can hear it!  The angels gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other!  Will this gathering be secret?  No! There is no indication here that this will be at the speed of lightning.  The process of gathering is for both the alive and those who died in Christ.

A Clear Picture

The clearest picture of the 2nd Coming is found in the letter to the Thessalonians by Paul. Here he provides more detail to the canvas of this event.

 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18.

From this verse, we can plainly see:

  • Jesus comes down from heaven (where he went to prepare a place for us-John 14: 2, 3) and there is sound in the form of a shout, a voice, and a trumpet. So can we conclude there is sound involved with the Second Coming? Yes!
  • Those that died in Christ are resurrected. The resurrection of the saved is the beginning of literal eternal life.  It is the reward Jesus brings with him (Revelation 22:12).
  • Those who are alive when Jesus comes will begin to ascend up into the heavens and meet both Jesus and those who were resurrected.  Here is the “rapture.”  It means to be caught up, but there are two groups that meet the Lord in the heavens.  Those who were in their graves asleep in Christ and those who did not experience death. (1 Thessalonians 4: 13, 14)
  • This is where immortality is given.  Eternity with Jesus starts here at this event! (Notice it is not at death)….”and so shall we ever be with the Lord!”

Paul”s further explanation of these events are found in his letter to the Corinthians.

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump(et): for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 Corinthians 15: 52, 53

 Notice that when Jesus returns, immortality is given instantly at that point…not at death. As mentioned above, this is the reward Jesus brings with Him…It is out of context and in error to use the following verse at a funeral (as I heard) because the saying can only come to pass when Jesus returns and gives us immortality.

“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

1 Corinthians 15: 55

The context of this quote is found in the verse just before (v. 54)

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed…

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”

1 Corinthians 15:54

Very plainly…it is at the second coming that Jesus takes the dust of the dead and shapes them back into life.  The sleep of death is but like a mere second. When Jesus resurrects those who are asleep in death, they are instantly (a twinkling of an eye) given the gift of immortality and bodies that will never decay.

There is a lot going on in these verses to let us know there is nothing secret and it is not in two parts.  Other verses from the other writers further describe the glory of his coming, Here are just a few:

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Mark 8:38

Jesus does not come in his glory alone, but the glory of his Father and with the holy angels!  With all that glory, there is nothing secret or invisible about His coming!

The lost have a different response to His coming:

 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Revelation 6: 15-16:

The unsaved will hide in the darkest places of the dens and rocks of mountains and pray for them to fall on them to hide them from the face of Jesus!  No secret coming here!  This was also foretold by Isaiah:

“Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from dread of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty!”

Isaiah 2:10

 “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so,  Amen.”

Revelation 1:7

From the verses above, we can see:

  • When he comes, he comes in His own glory and the glory of the father and the holy angels.  It only took the glory of one angel to make the soldiers at the tomb of Jesus drop to the ground like dead men (Matthew 28: 2-4).  Imagine the whole sky full of the glory of millions of angels and the glory of the Father and Jesus!
  • Those that are lost cannot bear to look upon the sight of Jesus’ coming and try to hide from the face of Jesus by calling for the rocks and mountains to fall on them.
  • Every eye sees him coming!  Much like every eye can see the sun as the earth turns.  It is possible that his coming is seen up to as long as a 24 hour period!

Nothing secret about this!

Notice the contrast of the words of those that are saved.

 “And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Isaiah 25:9

In the next writing, we will study out where Hal Lindsey and others came up with the idea of a sudden snatching away of the church and the 7-year tribulation.

Another topic we will study is the fate of the lost.  The reason for the Lord’s apparent delay in coming is because when he comes, there will be those who perish in the destruction of the earth:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

2 Peter 3: 9, 10

The Second coming is both rejoicing and destruction for this earth as we know it. Nowhere does the word of God split the return of Christ into two parts. But, as we shall see, the saved spend a honeymoon of one thousand years with Jesus in heaven (where he is now) before He creates the new heavens and the new earth prepared in the saved of the redeemed.

“Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3: 13

In conclusion, the Lord taught his disciples about the deception regarding the timing and manner His second coming.  This deception would be very tricky and inspired by the enemy himself with the intent to take as many as possible with him, especially those who give up on the return of Christ and return to their former life:

But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of,..Matthew 24: 48-50

It is critically important for the follower of Christ to know what Jesus and the writers of the Bible have to say about this grand event when all the saved will meet the Lord in the air and begin eternity with each other: never to experience sin and death ever again.  What a day that will be!  It will be glorious! We shall behold Him!


Last time, we reviewed from the Bible how the church today was given examples and warnings so that we don’t make the same mistakes. The entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 10 is dedicated to warnings to the early church and these certainly apply to us in modern times:

Now, these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.  And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell;  nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents;  nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.  

Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition (instruction or warning), upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 1 Corinthians 10: 6-11

Paul also adds that the things written in the scriptures that gives us reasons to endure and be encouraged we can have hope. If we are not students of the Old Testament stories of Israel, we are missing the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and the things they did right.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Conclusion: The Old Testament experience of Israel and how God dealt with their weaknesses is highly relevant to those who take the name of Christ and are part of the body of Christ…His church.


This time, we will explore a prophecy that gives Israel a period of time to repent and accept the Messiah. If not, their mission will end. We will also understand when and how it ended. Jesus confirms the end of their mission in several parables. We looked briefly at three last time. Of particular impact is the parable of the wicked Vinedresser in Matthew 21, Jesus ends the message with this prophecy:

“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.” Matthew 21: 43-44

Embed in this statement is the desire of God and points out the failure of Israel….”bearing the fruits.” God desires the mission to produce results. If our church is not effective, then we are no better than the centuries God worked with Israel. We are repeating the same mistake. We have become religious….form without substance…a facade hidden behind grand buildings, suites, and shining white teeth. Programs that do not have Jesus in it anywhere.


In this study, we will look at an amazing prophecy found Daniel and the core message which is primarily a warning to Israel to prepare for the first coming of Jesus.  This is a wonderful study that gives historically accurate times lines for the coming and mission of Jesus. But, most of all, it gives us a warning.

  As we read the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 and compare it with actual history and Biblically documented historical dates. We will discover the power of this prophecy written almost 500 years before Jesus and we will understand more about Israel and even end-time events!

Please follow closely.  When we are finished, I recommend you verify the dates at your local library or other resources.  Beware of the confusion of the internet.  Also, I have included a chart at the end in the “Appendix” to make these dates easier to see and follow.  There are also other helpful references included.


Let’s start by reading Daniel 9: 24-27

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks (7), and threescore (60) and two weeks (2): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

 And after threescore (60) and two weeks (2) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (1): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

Daniel 9: 24-27

If you count up the number in parenthesis, you will have the 70 years mentioned at the start.  There is a reason why they are split up that way.  I will not go into those historical reasons in this writing.

The setting for these verses is important in understanding the prophecy.  Daniel and his people (The Jews) had been taken captive by Babylon and the city of Jerusalem was destroyed and lay desolate as prophesied by Jeremiah.  It was predicted by Jeremiah that they would be in captivity for 70 years!

“In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”

Daniel 9:2

As the 70 years drew near to the end, Daniel began to pray and confess his sins and the sins of the people (Verses 4-20). Then Gabriel (an angel) came and informed Daniel that he had come to

“give thee skill and understanding.” 

Daniel 9:22

This statement by the angel refers back to the previous chapter’s vision of the Ram, Goat, and the 2,300 days of the sanctuary being cleansed. As stated by Daniel himself in the last verse of Chapter 8, the dream was not completely understood.

And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days; afterward I arose and went about the king’s business. I was astonished by the vision, but no one understood it. Daniel 8: 27

Then Gabriel gives the explanation of the time element not understood in the previous Chapter (as stated in Verses 24-27 above.) This is the skill and understanding Daniel needed other than simply knowing the Jews would soon be freed after 70 years of captivity.

70 weeks was given to Daniels people (Israelites) and the city of Jerusalem to:

  1. Finish the transgression
  2. Make an end of sins
  3. Make reconciliation for iniquity
  4. Bring in everlasting righteousness
  5. Seal up the vision and prophecy
  6. Anoint the most Holy

So God was giving the Jewish people 70 weeks or 490 days to do all those things; ending with anointing the most Holy.  We shall see that the anointing of the most Holy is not in regards to the apartment in the sanctuary necessarily, but the Holy One of God-Jesus   The  70 weeks given to the Jews are calculated in the verses in sections:   threescore (60) and two weeks (2) 7 weeks (7) and 1 week (1)   Quick addition shows this is 70 weeks or 490 days (7 X 70).  But in Bible prophecy, the day = year principle should be used to unlock the timelines for history.  The verses that support this principle can be found in the passages below:  

 “After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.”Numbers 14:34  “And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.”Ezekiel 4:6  

God gave the Jewish people 490 years for their assignment.  During this time, he sent prophets and others to inspire and help keep them close to him.  But as one reads their story, it is quickly seen that they often went after other gods and forsook the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob…the one and only true Creator God!

  “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city…”Daniel 9: 24  

If we can determine where the 490 years began (with certainty) we can understand the other parts of the prophecy.   The timelines start here:  

“….from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem”Daniel 9: 25  

This chart should help in the understanding of the prophecy lines.  

  The glorious temple of Solomon had been leveled by the Babylonians when they conquered Israel.  King Nebuchadnezzar’s army took captives to Babylon including young  Daniel and his friends. But, at the end of the literal 70 years, a command would be given to restore and build Jerusalem. The actual command is found in Ezra Chapter 7 when Artaxerxes gave the commandment in 457 BC (See the **notes at the end).   So, now that we have a starting date, let’s see where it takes us:

 The first stop is the coming of the Messiah the Prince   “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince…Daniel 9: 25  

The Messiah the Prince can refer only to Jesus himself.  He is both the Messiah and a Prince  

He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.John 1:41

Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.John 1:45

“For unto us a child is born, unto us, a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”Isaiah 9:6  

So we know that from the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Jesus would be a certain length of time.  How long?  

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks (7), and threescore (60) and two weeks (2): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.  

From 457 to Jesus is 69 weeks or 483 days or 483 prophetical years.  Let’s do some math:   Starting at 457 BC and moving through history 483 years brings us to the fall of 27 AD   This is the date Jesus was baptized by John (anointed) and he began his ministry as the prophecy predicted. Here is an important verse in connection with Jesus’ baptism:  

“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:”Matthew  3:16  

A dove represents anointing.   Another interesting passage that makes sense in the light of Jesus beginning his ministry exactly on time according to Daniel’s prophecy some 500 years before Jesus is this one:  

“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son…”Galatians 4:4  

The time was “full.” In other words, Jesus came to this earth and began his ministry right on time.  It may be possible that this quote is in reference to this particular prophecy.  Whatever the case, we know that God knows the future  and will not do anything unless he reveals it by his prophets:  

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”Amos 3:7  

69 weeks or 483 years of the 70 weeks or 490 years has been explained.  Isn’t it comforting to know that God, through the prophet Daniel let the world know when Jesus would come on the scene?    Now let’s look at the last week or 7 years.  This is where Hal Lindsey and his followers use the 7 years as a period of tribulation.  They disconnect it from this timeline and attempt to run it down to the end of time after Jesus “raptures the church.”  But we are going to let the verses speak for themselves.  We will keep the last week on the timeline as intended.  If we do, we learn the most interesting part of this prophecy.  

Daniel tells us after Jesus began his ministry that Jesus would be cut off:  

“Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:….”Daniel 9: 26  

But before He is cut off he would do the following:  

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,Daniel 9:27”  

Jesus was to “confirm the covenant with many for 1 week or 7 days which is 7 years in prophecy. But He is “cut off” in the middle of the week or 3 1/2 days or 3 1/2 years   Jesus ministry was exactly that long (3 1/2 years) before He was “cut off” or crucified on a Roman cross in 31 AD.  He ministered from 27 AD to 31 AD.   As Daniel 9:27 stated, the sacrifices and oblations also ended at the time of Jesus’ death.  The law of ceremonies had served their purpose of teaching the Jewish nation about the price of sin, the sacrifice for it, and the plan of salvation.  Those ceremonial laws were the School Master to bring people to Jesus and help them understand the lesson of sin, forgiveness, and grace.  The School Master died forever the day Jesus died on the cross as the true Lamb of God.  

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

Galatians 3:24, 25

All the festivals, drink and meat offerings, and special Sabbath days (Not the weekly Sabbath) were shadows pointing to the body of Jesus.   All those had served their purpose and were fulfilled in Christ:

“Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.”

Colossians 2:17

On the other side of the cross, the people looked forward in faith to Jesus (the Messiah) and what He would do for them.  All of us on this side of the cross look back in faith at what Jesus has done for us.  Something extraordinary occurred at the crucifixion of Christ to demonstrate the truthfulness of the two verses above:  

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;Matthew 27: 50, 51  

Thus ended the rounds of ceremonies and the laws put in place by Moses to teach about Jesus.  Please note:  These laws did not include the 10 commandments as some would assert.  A study for another time.   Jesus told His disciples this:    

But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”Matthew 15: 24  

Jesus was “confirming the covenant” with the children of Israel during His ministry.  With them, he spent most of His time.  His plea of the coming Kingdom of God was a message primarily to the Jews.   He also told His disciples to do the same:  

“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 10: 5, 6

This the disciples did for 3 1/2 more years after Jesus was “cut off” or crucified in 31 AD.

This takes us 3  1/2 years forward to the end of the 70 weeks or 490 years.

In the year 34 AD some interesting things happen to mark the end of the 490 years “determined” or given unto the Jewish nation:

In this year Stephen was martyred and Paul was converted to be the teacher to the Gentiles

“I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.” 

2 Timothy 1:11

A very interesting passage of scripture also marks the end of 70 weeks given to the Jews to do all those things of the covenant listed in Daniel 9.  It is a point where the burden of carrying the gospel to the entire world is taken off the shoulders of the Jews and given to the Gentiles. It is the point where God determines who is a real Jew or seed of Abraham.

Paul and Barnabas were preaching to a large group but were interrupted by the Jews because of the large following of the two disciples.  Those religious leaders who were interrupting contradicted Paul and Barnabas and actually blasphemed God!  But it is what Paul and Barnabas say that marks the transition from Jew to Gentile or Spiritual Jew:

 “But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.

Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

Acts 13:  45, 46

The appointed people of God had failed to keep the covenant (agreement) and God turned to the Gentiles and made them heir to the promises of God:

“And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Galatians 3:29

No longer was there a distinction between literal Jew and the God’s chosen people simply identified as belonging to Christ:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatians 3:28

 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Romans 2:28, 29

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, 15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, 

Ephesians 2: 14-15

Thus the 70-week prophecy came to an end! There is no room or context in the prophecy for 7 years of tribulation or the Anti Christ. It is simply not there.  To try to force it takes away from a beautiful and important part of the ministry of Christ.

While Hal Lindsey has everyone looking at Jerusalem for the rebuilding of the temple to mark the soon return of Jesus, the Anti Christ is at work elsewhere in the world.  this we will see in future studies.  This is so deceptive that almost the whole world is taken in.  What a great diversion by the enemy of mankind!

In conclusion, the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 a prophecy to support Jesus as the Messiah, his crucifixion, the spread of the gospel, and God’s long-suffering with the lost sheep of the house of Israel!

God has a stopping point when we harden our hearts and refuse to believe His word and follow Him. When our only interest is in ourselves, our heritage, our traditions, and ceremonies instead of being the light on the hill, we become nothing more than a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

Will the church make the same mistake as Israel and assume God will ignore our continued failures to follow Him and His Word seriously. Will the uselessness of rounds of self-serving religions acts become our savior rather than the One who created us? Will the sinner die for eternity because we did not “Go …, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:” Matthew 28: 19-20



Below is information if you want more detail otherwise I hope this prophecy helped you see how God is in control.

*Notes about the dates described above:

Ezra has three decrees with different dates that could be used.  Nehemiah has a date also.  But the decision as to which one to use, you must keep in mind the key words of the prophecy: “the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.” The four decrees are :
The decree of Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-4)
The decree of Darius I (Ezra 6:1-12)
The decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanuus) (Ezra 7: 12-26)
The decree of Artaxerxes (Nehemiah Chapters 1 and 2)   Let’s eliminate some of the dates  based on the guiding verse of Daniel 9:25   Ezra 1-gave instruction only for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. Said nothing about the whole city.  We can eliminate this date.   Ezra 6-simply the endorsement by Darius of the decree of Cyrus.  Only mentions the building of the “house of God.” We can eliminate this date.   Ezra 7 makes provision for complete restoration of the Jewish state, including the right to appoint magistrates and judges, hold trials, and pass and execute sentence upon violators of the own national laws. This is the date that fits the idea of “restoring and rebuilding Jerusalem.”    Nehemiah 2-Wording has not been preserved, but was simply a reinstatement of Artaxerxes original authorization to Ezra recorded in Ezra chapter 7.   Determination of the date of the decree: It was in the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign (Ezra 7:7,8)   Biblical evidence for the 457 BC start date:   The dates for Artaxerxes reign are well documented in the ancient sources: Greek historians, Ptolemy’s Canon
The Babylonian business tablets
Elephantine papyri from Egypt
From the above documents, we know that Xerxes was killed in late December of 465 B.C. and the reign of Artaxerxes began at the time.  

Artaxerxes ReignFall to Fall
First year464/463 B.C.
Second year463/462 B.C.
Third year462/461 B.C.
Fourth year461/460 B.C.
Fifth year460/459 B.C.
Sixth year459/458 B.C.
Seventh year458/457 B.C.

Therefore, the seventh year of Artaxerxes, according to Jewish reckoning, extended from the fall of 458 to the fall of 457 B. C.

Note: the references in this prophecy to the destruction of the city and temple and desolations:

“….the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined… for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”

Daniel 9:27

This is not referenced to a small historical character called Antiochus or a future Anti-Christ, but to the total destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD as predicted by Jesus himself when he told the disciples.  There has never been a temple since then and never will be!

“Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Matthew 24:2 

“Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,.  Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on the Sabbath.   For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

Matthew 24: 15-22

The total destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman soldiers was horrible.  Many who tried to escape were crucified outside the city.  At one time, the number of crosses outside the city almost made it look like a forest of trees.  Those who heeded the advice of Jesus escaped the city and remained alive.

Second Coming-Made SIMPLE

The secular community, as well as Christians, pretentiously poked fun at Harold Camping’s prediction of the “Rapture.”  He said it would occur on May 21, 2011.  The day came and went as usual.  Christians all over the world knew from the words of Jesus himself that Mr. Camping’s prediction was in error.

“But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Matthew 24:36 

Just one verse in scripture is enough for anyone who would attempt to narrow down the Second-Coming to a particular day or hour.  Most Christians can quote it by heart!  We can trust in Jesus’ word on this. But it is just one verse among many others Jesus had to say about His coming! Matthew 24 is a great source of plain language about the Second Coming if read in its context (without adding or subtracting) will prepare the sincere seeker of truth to be prepared for that great day!

Even though the faithful watchers can discern the times, Jesus will come at a time when they do not expect it, but they can be prepared!

“So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors!” …”Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:33, 44

On the other hand, those not prepared are not looking for Jesus and are going about their normal routine. To them, Jesus will come as a thief in the night…totally unexpected. But to the watchers, they will not be overtaken as a thief as we shall see in this study.

Second Coming Shams

There are a host of other shams thrown at us by the enemy more complicated and tougher to unravel.   Many rely on non-biblical reasoning or sources concerning the Second-Coming. Examples:

“If my grandmother believed it, that is good enough for me.”

“If it is on the internet, it must be right. “

“The religious programming and books can’t be wrong.”

“The nice preacher on the TV is telling the truth.  Look at his big church!”

But, the enemy is at work with trickery that is so deceptive that even the best of Christians could be deceived.

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24

This warning by Jesus tells those who will listen that false christs (Messiahs), and false prophets (teachers, forecasters) will use the platform of religion to promote falsehoods that could deceive the “elect.”  The word for “elect” as translated from the Greek is the word, “eklektos.”  It means those “chosen by God”

These events and teachings are a strong delusion, but the implication is that the “elect” are not deceived.  What makes this group different?  Very simply, they listen to the voice of Jesus and His word.  Their guiding principle is Sola Scriptura.  The Bible alone.  Scripture comes first before the words of any person, book, movie, or institution.

“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20

The situation in the last days is very profound. The magnitude of the deception is revealed through God’s word. Paul gave an important warning when He wrote to the Corinthians,  He stated plainly that evil appears to be good!  The bad guy is in a white hat!

 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. II Corinthians 11:14. 

This verse tells us that Satan and his servants can look like an angel (messenger) of light!  Satan can even use scripture to lead people down the wrong path. He certainly tried with Jesus during the days of temptation in the wilderness.  But, Jesus knew His Father and He knew the word of God.

As Christians were quoting Matthew 24:36 when Camping made his prognostication, it would have been well for all of us to read the entire chapter and listened closely to the instruction Christ gave his disciples when they asked,

“…what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?  Matthew 24:3. 

His answer? 

“Take heed that no man deceive you. Matthew 24:4

The very first words out of Jesus’ mouth regarding the sign of His coming and the end of the world is a warning to LISTEN so that no man deceive you! 

 Deception in the Manner of His Coming

As we have seen from Matthew 24:36, Jesus himself does not know when he will return, but He knows there will be deception involved.   But the deception is not just only the timing, but the way He comes back to earth.

The whole of Matthew  24 and the parallel chapters in the other Gospels tell of  Jesus as He described to the disciples how He would return. It is straight forward with no ambiguity! Why is this important, especially to Christians? Could it be that even Christians could be deceived and thereby lost? If you read Jesus’ warning, it is primarily to His followers. The lost of this world could care less.

“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. ” 1 Thessalonians 5: 3

Recently, I heard a well-known TV evangelist say he doesn’t look at the signs or worry about the mark of the beast and other end-time-events because that is for those in the tribulation to worry about. Is this true? Isn’t this a dangerous way to prepare for Christ’s return? Is this not the object of the enemy’s falsehood to feel secure in something that is opposite from the teaching of Jesus?  

We will use primarily Mathew 24 for this first study.   Jesus’ return is not just about the “when” but the “how.”  Rest assured, the “elect” will know that his coming is near; by the signs he left us. If they are a student of the word of God, they will have stored up the truth in their minds and walked in the light.

“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 1Thessalonians 5: 4-6

Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. Revelation 3:3

How We Got Confused

There was a time when Christians knew how Jesus would come and many of the events of His coming by simply reading the portions of scripture that plainly tell of His coming.  In the last several years, there are books, movies, radio programs,  preachers and teachers with a different story that is not based on plain scripture but rather on a script from Hollywood or a book.

In the study of Jesus’ Second Coming, there is no need for any fanciful interpretation or any deep study.  It is plain and simple; written for all men, women, and children, not just university theologians or popular TV preachers.

Staying in Matthew 24, Jesus goes on to describe his Second Coming in verse 27-31:

For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Matthew 24: 27-31

What do you see in the words of Jesus regarding his coming?  Is it secret?  Are only a few Christians affected by it?  Is it in two parts or just one?  From the verses above, we can plainly see:

  • His coming is bright like lightning!  While lightning is quick, the comparison here is not the speed but by the brightness (shining)! The reference to shining involves sight.  Is there anything quite or secret about lightning that lights up the whole sky from east to west?
  • There is a tribulation before he comes and the sun is darkened and the moon does not give her light and the stars fall from heaven (massive meteorite shower?) and the powers of the heavens are shaken!  Can anyone miss this?  Is the tribulation before or after he comes?  It is before he comes!
  • Those who are lost see the sign of the Son of man in heaven and the people of the earth mourn!  They see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. They are not left to wonder.  They see Him!
  • He sends his angels with a great sound!  You can hear it!  The angels gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other!  Will this gathering be secret?  No! There is no indication here that this will be at the speed of lightning.  The process of gathering is for both the alive and those who died in Christ.

A Clear Picture

The clearest picture of the 2nd Coming is found in the letter to the Thessalonians by Paul. Here he provides more detail to the canvas of this event.

 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18.

From this verse, we can plainly see:

  • Jesus comes down from heaven (where he went to prepare a place for us-John 14: 2, 3) and there is sound in the form of a shout, a voice, and a trumpet. So can we conclude there is sound involved with the Second Coming? Yes!
  • Those that died in Christ are resurrected. The resurrection of the saved is the beginning of literal eternal life.  It is the reward Jesus brings with him (Revelation 22:12).
  • Those who are alive when Jesus comes will begin to ascend up into the heavens and meet both Jesus and those who were resurrected.  Here is the “rapture.”  It means to be caught up, but there are two groups that meet the Lord in the heavens.  Those who were in their graves asleep in Christ and those who did not experience death. (1 Thessalonians 4: 13, 14)
  • This is where immortality is given.  Eternity with Jesus starts here at this event! (Notice it is not at death)….”and so shall we ever be with the Lord!”

Paul”s further explanation of these events are found in his letter to the Corinthians.

 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump(et): for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 Corinthians 15: 52, 53

 Notice that when Jesus returns, immortality is given instantly at that point…not at death. As mentioned above, this is the reward Jesus brings with Him…It is out of context and in error to use the following verse at a funeral (as I heard) because the saying can only come to pass when Jesus returns and gives us immortality.

“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

1 Corinthians 15: 55

The context of this quote is found in the verse just before (v. 54)

“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”

1 Corinthians 15:54

Very plainly…it is at the second coming that Jesus takes the dust of the dead and shapes them back into life.  The sleep of death is but like a mere second. When Jesus resurrects those who are asleep in death, they are instantly (a twinkling of an eye) given the gift of immortality and bodies that will never decay.

There is a lot going on in these verses to let us know there is nothing secret and it is not in two parts.  Other verses from the other writers further describe the glory of his coming, Here are just a few:

Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Mark 8:38

Jesus does not come in his glory alone, but the glory of his Father and with the holy angels!  With all that glory, there is nothing secret or invisible about His coming!

The lost have a different response to His coming:

 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Revelation 6: 15-16:

The unsaved will hide in the darkest places of the dens and rocks of mountains and pray for them to fall on them to hide them from the face of Jesus!  No secret coming here!  This was also foretold by Isaiah:

“Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from dread of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty!”

Isaiah 2:10

 “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so,  Amen.”

Revelation 1:7

From the verses above, we can see:

  • When he comes, he comes in His own glory and the glory of the father and the holy angels.  It only took the glory of one angel to make the soldiers at the tomb of Jesus drop to the ground like dead men (Matthew 28: 2-4).  Imagine the whole sky full of the glory of millions of angels and the glory of the Father and Jesus!
  • Those that are lost cannot bear to look upon the sight of Jesus’ coming and try to hide from the face of Jesus by calling for the rocks and mountains to fall on them.
  • Every eye sees him coming!  Much like every eye can see the sun as the earth turns.  It is possible that his coming is seen up to as long as a 24 hour period!

Nothing secret about this!

Notice the contrast of the words of those that are saved.

 “And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Isaiah 25:9

In the next writing, we will study out where Hal Lindsey and others came up with the idea of a sudden snatching away of the church and the 7-year tribulation.

Another topic we will study is the fate of the lost.  The reason for the Lord’s apparent delay in coming is because when he comes, there will be those who perish in the destruction of the earth:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

2 Peter 3: 9, 10

The Second coming is both rejoicing and destruction for this earth as we know it. Nowhere does the word of God split the return of Christ into two parts. But, as we shall see, the saved spend a honeymoon of one thousand years with Jesus in heaven (where he is now) before He creates the new heavens and the new earth prepared in the saved of the redeemed.

“Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3: 13

In conclusion, the Lord taught his disciples about the deception regarding the timing and manner His second coming.  This deception would be very tricky and inspired by the enemy himself with the intent to take as many as possible with him, especially those who give up on the return of Christ and return to their former life:

But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of,..Matthew 24: 48-50

It is critically important for the follower of Christ to know what Jesus and the writers of the Bible have to say about this grand event when all the saved will meet the Lord in the air and begin eternity with each other never; to experience sin and death ever again.  What a day that will be!  It will be glorious! We shall behold Him!

 Listen to the correct theology of Christ’s second coming in Sandi Patty’s version of “We Shall Behold Him.”  May the Lord bless you as you listen.


The Rapture is Not

1. A word in the Bible.

The word is promoted as a secret snatching away of Christians, leaving the lost on earth for a 7 year period of tribulation, where the Anti-Christ rules.  Many point to Paul’s description of the second coming in 1 Thessalonians as the starting point for the rapture scenario.

“Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonians 4: 17-18

All the illusions of what happens during the “rapture” feed off this verse and are embellished in Bible fiction books and the work of Hollywood.  However, the Bible is extremely clear about the events surrounding Jesus’ second coming.  If you read only the verses describing the return of Christ, the truth becomes clear. If Jesus warned us about our need to understand, it must be important to each one of us individually.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Matthew 24:4

2. It is not silent and invisible

Often Hollywood producers and writers of Bible fiction will describe the event as quite and sudden; leaving the lost to wonder, “What just happened?”  The righteous are gone!  Beds, clothing, cars, airplanes are minus bodies. But, consider these Biblical descriptions of the second coming and ask yourself if it is quite.

*”For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.”  

1 Thessalonians 4: 16

This is the verse right before the one described above that says the Christians will be “caught up to meet the Lord in the air!”  Does it sound quite?  Can you hear a shout, a voice, and a trumpet? Of course!

When Jesus returns,  He comes in His glory, the glory of countless angels, and the glory of the Father Himself!

For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.

Luke 9:26

Jesus returns in His own glory, but also the glory of His Father, and the glory of the angels! It is an understatement to say this is a lot of glory!

Can the lost hear it?  Can the lost see it? What are they saying when the Lord returns? They are in a panic and don’t want to see His face!

“ (they)…”hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Revelation 6: 16-17

Indeed, “who is able to stand” during the second coming? The second coming is described above as “the great day of His wrath” not the plagues and time of trouble!  

As shown in 1 Thessalonians the ones who meet the Lord in the air (with their resurrected and glorified bodies) will survive this destructive event!  The saved are saying,

“And it will be said in that day: “Behold, this is our God; We have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”

Isaiah 25:9

How many will see Him when he returns?

“Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.”

Revelation 1:7

Jesus left in clouds and he returns in clouds. As the disciples watched in wonder as Jesus ascended.  He was taken up with clouds.  They were told He would come back in a similar manner i.e. visible!

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

Acts 1:9-11

The lost morn, the save rejoice. Some will ask, “How can every eye see Him on a round earth?”  It is simple.  Like the rising of the sun, the second coming can be seen approaching the earth like clouds forming on the horizon! As the earth rotates, the righteous (both dead and alive) rise and are changed in a twinkling of an eye.  The lost look for places to hide from the face of the lamb. But, some have been taught that He comes fast, in the “twinkling of the eye. “That takes us to the next the thing the Rapture is not:

3.)  It is not instantaneous

As we saw above, there is enough time for the lost to run and attempt to hide from the Lord’s coming.  The saved have time to proclaim they have waited on Him and He will save them.  Every eye sees Him.

The Hollywood and the Biblical fiction writers paint a  false picture of a man preaching the word of God suddenly disappearing.  But how does the Bible describe it?  Let’s look closely at two phrases they use:  1.)  “Twinkling of an eye” and 2.) “Thief in the night.”

They claim from this partial verse that the Lord comes in the twinkling of an eye.

in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52

But look closely at what is happening in a moment and in the twinkling of the eye.  Let’s read the verse in its context.

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15: 51:53

Is it not very clear? The physical bodies of the saved are changed from mortal to immortal very quickly.  They went into the grave sick and subject to death (corruptible) and rise to never see death and decay again!

It is not about the speed of the second coming, but rather the speed of the transformation from mortal to immortality!  This happens with trumpets and sound and the very presence of God and His holy angels, not some instantaneous disappearing of the saved.

This description is a direct reference to the same author’s preview of the second coming in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18 where the dead are raised up and those of us alive are caught up to meet the Lord in the air.  But, before we rise to meet him, our bodies are changed and receive the promise of immortality!  What a reunion day that will be when we all meet together for the first time!  Thank you Lord, for inspiring Paul to reveal this mystery!

Another verse often used in connection with the twinkling of the eye is found in Matthew 24.

For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Matthew 24: 27

Without the context, it certainly sounds like the Lord comes instantly like a flash of lightning!  But, again, context is so important.  Let’s read the verses before.

“Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

Matthew 24: 26-27

Jesus describes the lie He has already come and He is in the desert or in some secret inner room,  This sounds like a secret coming to me.  But, Jesus warns us to not believe it, because his coming is compared to lightning.  The context is not the speed but rather the all-encompassing brightness! It is a brightness that covers the entire sky.  This is confirmed by the fact that the skies are lit up with the glory of God and His angels! Just like the brightness of lightning, every eye can see it.  His coming is not in the secret places of the desert or the inner rooms.

Paul describes the brightness in 2 Thessalonians:

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

2 Thessalonians 2:8

This verse alludes to another event that occurs at the second coming-destruction.  We will discuss it next.

But, you may ask: “How about the thief in the night that Paul describes?”  Isn’t it secret?  Let’s read the verse using context and related verses from Peter

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

1 Thessalonians 5: 2

From this verse, it is no doubt that His coming is compared to a thief in the night.  It can be said, that when a thief comes, it is unexpected.  It is not about a secret rapture, but rather the unexpected event, just like those during the time of Noah.  Although they were warned, it was still unexpected.  This idea is confirmed by Peter:

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

2 Peter 3:10

Both Paul and Peter say the Lord will come as a thief in the night, but Peter adds an additional description.  When He comes as a thief, there is “great noise” “elements will melt.”  Even the earth and all of man’s works are “burned up.”  This doesn’t sound quite or secret.

Paul confirms Peter’s description.  Let’s read the remainder of Paul’s description we read in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 (above)

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape . But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.

1 Thessalonians 5: 2-4

He describes destruction when the Lord comes just like Peter did in his description!  Did you notice that followers of Christ are not overtaken by darkness and the experience of a thief in the night? The thief in the night is not about secretiveness of the Lord’s coming, but rather being unprepared, as Jesus said here,

“But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.”

Matthew 24: 43

The Christians know approximately when Jesus is coming and are watching, the lost are going about their normal routine just like they were before the flood came in Noah’s day.

For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,

Matthew 24:38

This brings us to the next point:

4. Is not an event where the lost are left behind

An interesting point: The phrase “left behind” is not in the Bible even though a whole series of books and movies are entitled as such! However, the word “left” is mentioned many times, but is it to be interpreted as “left behind?”

The movies and Bible fiction portray a dramatic moment where the saved are instantaneously snatched away leaving the lost wondering what just happened.  They claim they are “left behind” to endure 7 years of tribulation (will discuss  next time.)

The Bible verses used to support this are not interpreted in the context nor collaborated with other clear passages. Let’s explore the most often used and compare between two disciples:  Matthew and Luke.  First Matthew:

Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.

Matthew 24: 40-41

At first glance and with Hollywood echoing its description, it certainly sounds like one man and one woman are taken up to meet the Lord and the other two are left on earth.

But, let’s read the context and the point  of all of the words of Jesus:

37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Matthew 24: 37-39

Jesus compares the lost in the days of Noah with the lost at His coming (verse 37). Read the verse carefully and answer this question:  “who got took away by the flood?” Was it the saved or the lost?  In Noah’s day, it was those who were ignoring Noah’s plead to come in the ark (the lost).  In the “day of the Lord” it is those not looking for the second coming (the lost).  Of the people in Noah’s day, Jesus said the flood came and “took them all away.” So, it is the lost who are taken!  The waters swirled and took them down stream where they were destroyed (dead). Just to be sure we are reading this correctly, let’s compare with Luke:

26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. 

Luke 17: 26-30

So those who are described as being “taken all away.” in Matthew are described as being “destroyed” in Luke.  Contradiction?  No!  Just a misapplication of the Bible fiction writers with the word “taken”.

Taken” or “took” in its context means they are destroyed.  I don’t want to be taken, I want to be left.  Which means being the opposite of taken (destroyed).  To illustrate:  Suppose you had a library and your house burned down.  When you go in to see how many of your books survived the fire, you might find a few unscathed by the fire.  You would say, “I had a thousand books, but only three are “left” or remaining. Paul described what it means to remain alive or “left” in this passage:

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

1 Thessalonians 4: 17

The scholars who produced the NIV understood this and translated the words “alive and remain” as “alive and are left“:

After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

1 Thessalonians 4: 17 (NIV)

I want to remain alive when the Lord returns. Don’t you?  I don’t want to be “taken away” in the destructive fires of His brightness.

Verse Luke 17:26 reminds us of the direct comparison between Noah and Christ. In both cases, the story is about the lost.  In Noah’s day, the lost have ignored the appeals for salvation and are going about the normal routines of life expecting nothing to change. But, they are caught as a thief in the night (surprised) by the destructive event of the flood.  They are destroyed (killed)! Verse 27.

The same thing happened to Sodom, but this time it was fire from heaven that “destroyed them all“!

As we understand what happened to the lost at the time of Noah (destruction by flood) and Sodom (destruction by fire); it will be the same when He returns.  Peter describes it clearly:

Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

2 Peter 3: 11-13

So the fate of the lost is destruction at the second coming. Every known element will be burned up in intense flames (brightness) when the Lord returns. But, the saved have the promise of inheriting the earth; not the old earth, with its scars of sin, but a new earth where righteousness lives! When are the new heavens and the new earth created?  We will look at this next time.

But, what about this 7 years of tribulation and the 1,000 years?  Next time we will look closely at this…using only the Bible.

We have seen a clear picture of the second coming where there is no room for second chances i.e. 7 years to endure tribulation.  When the Lord comes the time for salvation is stopped.  This is expressed in Peter’s writings where he connects perishing with the second coming:

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9

The above verse is in the context of his second coming.  See verse 4:

“Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

2 Peter 3: 4

Our God delays the coming of Christ because he is “longsuffering toward us.”  Today, we have our second and third chances, but when He comes there are no more opportunities and those that have spent the chances will perish as described above.

It is the enemy’s desire to make people put off the day of their salvation by encouraging them to believe they have a second chance during the 7 years of tribulation.  To eat, drink, and go about the normal routines of life ignoring the appeal of a loving God to come into the ark of salvation.

In my research, I discovered a website dedicated to giving instructions to people who will be on earth during the 7 years of tribulation.  It is a worthless website and a dangerous concept. Herein is why the Lord warns us.  The theory of a second chance during the 7 years is both false and a danger to souls.

5.)  It is not a Second Coming with a part A and part B

The return of Jesus to start eternity is a one-time event.  Jesus takes us “to where He is” after He returns. We will stay there in heaven for 1,000 years and then the redeemed of all ages will all return to watch the Lord create a new earth.  At this time, Jesus will set the New Jerusalem down on the new earth and this will become our home throughout eternity.  Truly, the meek inherit the earth! We will discuss more in our next study.

After Christ’s second coming we go to be where Jesus is now!

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

John 14:3

As mentioned, after 1,000 years, we all return  in the New Jerusalem and watch the Lord do what He did in Genesis 1:

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God…”

Revelations 21: 1-3 


We have been talking about what the rapture is not, but we have seen what the second coming really is.   The events of the second coming of the Lord are as follows:

1.) The Lord can be seen coming in clouds with all the brightness and glory of Jesus, God the Father, and the holy angels.

2.)  Every eye will see Him just as every eye sees the sun and lightning across the sky.

3.)  The lost will run to places to hide.

4.)  Despite the lost’s attempt to hide they are destroyed by the brightness of his coming.  They are taken in death like the floods that took the lost in Noah’s day and the fires that took those in Sodom!

5.) The saved are not burned up, but remain alive.  They remain or are leftover from the destruction.

6.)  The saved will rejoice.

7.)  The dead in Christ will be resurrected in the first resurrection (The Bible talks about a second resurrection.  We will explore this next time.)

8.)  Both the saved who are resurrected and those still alive after the destructive fire from heaven will be changed instantly. Their bodies will be glorified so that they are no longer subject to corruption nor death.  They put on immortality.

9.)  The saved meet the Lord in the air. This is the first time all the saved see each other!  It is God’s great reunion day!

In future topics, will address these questions and many others:

1.) “Where does Jesus take the saved after He returns?”

2.) “What about the tribulation?”

3.) “Where did the 7 years come from?”

4.)  “How about the 1,000 years?”

5.) “How about the new Jerusalem John saw coming down from heaven?”

6.) “What about the fate of the unsaved dead at the coming of Jesus?”  “What happened to them?”

7.)  “What about hell?”

All this we will explore from the Bible soon.  Until then, put on the whole armor of God, because the enemy wants to slay you.  But, you can find strength and protection under the wings of the One who is able to keep you until the end.  The Lord Jesus.