Tag Archives: atheism

Can You Prove God Exists?

“Come now, let us reason together.” Isaiah 1:18

This is a fair question. 

I have heard people say,

“No, I can’t prove He exists, but I believe He does.” 

Why would someone believe in something they can’t see?  The more important question is, “What if it could be shown without a doubt that He exists and that the Bible is His reliable source of truth? What would you do?”

Since this is all about questions and doubt, let’s start with a personal question:

What do you need to believe God exists?

What would it take for you to believe a Creator God exists? How could you become convinced or satisfied with God’s existence?  Maybe it’s direct physical evidence, like in a murder case where you have DNA, a weapon, a video, and witnesses.  That would be a slam-dunk case.  Wouldn’t it?    If God showed up at your house or office as would a flesh and blood friend and say to you,

“Hello, I am God, and I am here to answer all your questions.”  

Then, He proceeded to answer the “why?” questions about losing a loved one, or He let you in on the solutions to world troubles.  Would you believe He exists?    What if He could tell you the secrets of your life that only you knew? Would you become a believer, then?

Let’s imagine on a grander scale.  What if He showed up at the Super Bowl this February, hovering in clouds above the 50-yard line on international TV, and said,

“Listen up, everyone, I am God, there is no other like me, and I can prove it.  I will predict the game’s score and the exact time each team scores.  Further, I am giving you the final stats of the game before kick-off.”

Would that be enough proof for you to become a believer?  How would it affect your life?

Perhaps you are a highly educated Ph.D. scientist with an understanding of the details of the biology of life. What would satisfy you that God exists and He originated all life and knows more than you do?  What if He explained how He created the universe and life and gave you formulas you had never considered?

Would all of this be enough? 

What would you do with this knowledge if you could be totally satisfied with God’s existence and ability to create everything from nothing?  Sadly, most would probably say,

“That’s great!  Now I got to go back to work.”

If it could be proved to you, without a doubt, of God’s existence, would you become a believer and seeker of Him and truth? 

Most would say,

“No, I am too busy with my life.”

Is it possible that unbelief is not because of a so-called lack of evidence but of something else?  Many people do not want there to be a Creator God for various reasons, but mostly because they love their lives, as degraded as they may be.  Could it be that we feel God would restrict our joy in life?  Then, how about the big question of moral absoluteness and accountability for our actions?

I propose to you that belief is not so much about proof of His existence as is the perceived inconvenience it would cause in our daily lives.  But having said all this, let’s continue with the elements to prove either circumstantially or directly His existence.  Let me say from the start that I have empathy for the unbeliever, having once been one. 

There are many reasons why people chose to believe there is no God and that all of the earth’s events are random and unmanaged.  This is where we will start.  Let’s take a look at the reasons given for unbelief in a creator God.

Barriers to Belief

1.)   Unwillingness to Investigate

Evidence of God’s existence starts with a willing search. You can’t find or learn something if you don’t want to look.  Many don’t want to look at it either due to time or just not being interested.  The result is quick opinions about something they know very little.  They become subject to theories that fit their desire.

Not true is the popular unbiblical saying, “Faith is blind.” A biblical definition of faith is based on the wide-open eyes of substance (confidence) and evidence (tangible).  That great religious writer, Paul, who was on his way to persecute Christian believers, said to the Hebrews:

Now faith is the substance (*confidence) of things hoped for, the evidence (*circumstantial and real, tangible) of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)

*Parenthetical additions from the  original Greek words for substance and evidencehypostasis (substance) and elegchos (evidence)

God evidently cares about you getting the evidence, but if you don’t want it, there will be no way for it to help.  Herein lies the problem with a believer trying to prove God exists.  It probably doesn’t matter much if the person does not want there to be a Creator God.  So, the substance and evidence are unimportant to them, and they may never start a journey to find the truth.  Why?  It could be many personal reasons related to lifestyle, perception of what it means to be a believer, peer pressure, etc. 

Probably the most significant barrier to belief in God centers on suffering in the world.  In all fairness to the unbelievers, there are many things in life on this planet that create unbelief in a Creator God.  Even full-blown believers think about these things, but unlike the unbeliever, they have read and understand the words of the prophets about the fall of mankind, sin, the love of God, redemption through Christ, and the path mankind has been on for thousands of years.

2.)   Suffering in the World

“If there is a God, why is there so much pain and death in the world?

Suffering and death result from many things other than simply wearing out from old age.  Here are some examples: chronic physical and mental pain, continuous wars, bad accidents, mental breakdowns, violent crimes, child and spouse abuse, poverty, and hunger; oppression and persecution of those who feel superior… the list of sufferings that precede death goes on and on. 

The death of a loved one, a small child, a toddler, or a young person affects most of us tremendously.  The pain is sometimes unbearable.  Some will turn to alcohol or drugs to ease the pain.

This typical objection to the existence of God almost always starts with an “If” followed by a “why.”  “If” there is a God, then “why is there suffering in this world?  “If there is a God,why” did He let my mother die?”  “If” there is a God, “whydo I struggle all the time?

The insinuation from this question is thatif God is good and in control, then none of these things would be present on earth.  Therefore, everything that happens is by man’s doing or the evolution’s cycle of life, suffering, and death.  The unbeliever reasons,  “Everything is by chance or coincidence.” 

So, this type of thinking requires life on earth to be like heaven, where no one dies or suffers, and everyone is happy. 

It is not hard to see something terribly wrong on planet Earth.  We have come to expect death, dying, and suffering, but was this God’s plan?  What happened?  The Bible has the answer, but it is not what most people want to know.

3.) The Actions of Unconverted Believers

The unloving, critical, judgmental nature of people in church or in public can do more to convince an unbeliever that God doesn’t exist or, at the least, not want a part of it. So, they will retreat to friends and flock together in their community where love is expressed. The wars and death in the name of religion just add more fuel or reasons to conclude those Christians, Muslims, etc., are just nuts.

4.) Science

Scientists use systematic principles and procedures to solve problems or gain knowledge by collecting data through observation and experiment.  Then, their hypotheses are tested. Science has benefited society in many ways. It has made life easier, safer, more convenient, and extended life and its quality. 

But, when it comes to the study of origins, some data is skipped over or maligned.  The intelligence (Creator) factor is removed, and we wind up with supposed evidence that interprets life’s beginnings according to man’s desire to dismiss the miracle of creation, procreation, and God.  It is thought that God and science have nothing in common, even though some see evidence that God is the originator of all laws that science depends upon.   

Evolution has moved from interpretive science to exact science in the minds of many.  Mankind’s self-education through the study and observance of nature concludes something different from an intelligent Creator. 

What if scientists were willing to look for scientific proof of a creator? What would they find?  Fortunately, there are many who have done so, but their work is minimized. Here is a link to a list of real scientists who believe in Creation and God.

God can’t be put in a test tube, but his fingerprints and DNA can be found there.  Nevertheless, if a scientist does not want to believe, evidence will not convince them.  They will always lean towards theories that fit their worldview and justify their lifestyle/worldview.  And, to be honest, it works the same with the Creationist.  It is difficult to be purely objective.

5.)   Philosophers

It has been estimated that there are over 3,000 philosophers worldwide.  Among them are different teachings on life, its beginnings, and endings. Is everybody right? Can error and truth coexist?  Evidently, it does in the minds of some people.  But logically, the truth is no less true, and error is no less wrong.

Listening to other people who are, or seem to be, experts (pundits) in their field and their reasoning can lead us to form similar opinions that may be right or wrong about many things, including God and the Bible. There are “non-pundits” (famous people such as actors and musicians, etc.)  who are not necessarily learned but have opinions that carry weight with those who admire them.. 

6.)   Deception

If you have read the Bible, even casually, you know that deception (for humans) started in a garden, runs through history, and ends with worldwide deception.  Satan is called “the father of lies” (See John 8:44).  Satan enticed the first couple with a false promise of eternal life and becoming like God (See Genesis 3:4-5).  There are many (worldwide) who believe themselves to be God or have received some special revelation. They gather gullible followers without an anchor.  These self-proclaimed gods prey on those who have no confident answers and are looking for convenient, self-satisfying truths about life.

With the advent of the web, the number of self-proclaimed philosophers/gods/pundits has reached a staggering level of exposure. Instead of one serpent, there is a whole nest of them all over the world.

Substance and evidence by the false gods are missing.  In its place is charisma and power. Following is a very small list of so-called gods on earth; some are dead. No denomination or nationality is exempt from cultic offshoots.  (Source: www.monitor.co.ug). Note: the multitude of podcasts, YouTube, and web personalities could be included, but it would take too much time to list them.

  • Owobusobozi Bisaka– (former Catholic who received a “revelation” and started his own denomination).
  • Moon Sun Myung-(former Presbyterian. He also received a “revelation,” founded the Unification Church)Inri Christo-Looks a lot like the classic pictures of Jesus and uses some of His teachings.
  • Sergei Torop founded the Church of the Last Testament.  He is a former policeman who was fired after insisting he was Jesus and began to impersonate him with long hair and flowing robes.
  • Arrifin Mohammed started the sect called The Sky Kingdom.  A former Muslim, he claims to be Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Shiva, and the supreme deity of all religions.
  • Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda-Jose founded Creciendo Gracia (Spanish for Growing in Grace) church in the US. At first, Miranda, who is from Mexico, claimed to be Paul, a leading figure of the Bible.
  • David Koresh, a former member of an offshoot of Seventh-Day Adventists called Shepherd’s Rod, also known as Davidians. Shepherd’s Rod founder was Victor Houteff, whom the worldwide Seventh-Day Adventist Administration excommunicated in 1930.
  • Marshall Applewhite, founder of Heaven’s Gate, based his beliefs on a mixture of Christian Eschatology and mysticism. He convinced his 38 followers (and himself) that the comet Hale-Bobb was accompanied by a spaceship that would take them from this world, but to get aboard, they needed to leave the physical body through death. 

7.)   A Multitude of Religious Denominations

Numbers vary and go as high as 30,000 distinct denominations.  If you want your head to spin, see the details about the plethora of world religions and denominations on Wikipedia).  Most of these folks were born into their particular denomination.  Some convert, I am sure.  But most would feel they have the truth about God.  But how can everybody be right?  Solomon, the wise man of God, cautioned,

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Proverbs 14:12, 16:25

8.)   There is No Absolute Truth

This mass confusion has led many to say, “There is no absolute truth.”  But is that true, absolutely?  If “yes,” then that statement contradicts itself.  If the answer is “no,” then there must be absolute truth out there somewhere.

Some proclaim, “I have my truth, and you have your truth.”  Does this mean that everyone is right and nobody is wrong?  Is that even possible?  Do feelings determine truth?  I can feel that I can fly, but if I jump off a skyscraper, the truth about gravity will have people scrapping me off the sidewalk.

 9.)   Reliability of the Bible

This is an often-used excuse for unbelief.  It is usually stated by those who have only heard things and never researched or studied themselves.  This we will explore later.


There is a multitude of reasons for disbelief.  This planet is in chaos.  Wouldn’t you agree?  We could study each philosopher, each deity, and each denomination, but that would take more than a lifetime. The truth is out there. God is out there, too!  But what will it take to convince you?

Jesus is the most influential religious leader of all time.  He and his disciples made some fantastic claims.  Jesus Himself said, 

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,”  John 14:6

This exclusive claim is either true or it is false. If you believe it to be true, you will have reasons for the hope that is within you.  If you believe it is false, you, too, must have evidence.  But you won’t know until you search the Bible alone.  Deception awaits you if you research the web or read books that claim Jesus is false. You are also in danger listening to family and friends.   It is only in the writings of approximately 40 writers whom God inspired to write or were eyewitnesses of Jesus. The story of Jesus is not limited to one writer as it is with others who claim to be God.   The proof is in the Bible, which covers thousands of years from creation to destruction.   

Are you willing to give Jesus and the Bible a chance?  Do you want to follow the evidence and its conclusion?  If not, you have wasted your time reading all this.  But if you are willing and have an open mind, the truth will set you free from doubt and set you on a new, satisfying journey in life. 

We have looked at some barriers to belief.  Next time, we will look at sources for truth and belief in God.  These things put before me reasons to believe.  Hopefully, it will provide the same for you.  But it is your choice.

Please read the follow-up discussions of Can You Prove God Exists?-Part 2 and Part 3

For more information on the comparison of gods and philosophers, see Will the True God Please Stand Up-Part 1

The Clockmaker

A Bike Ride Out of Atheism

Back in the mid-’70s, I was an evolutionist bicycle rider. I was fulfilling a dream trip by riding cross-country from LA back to Nashville. As I rode along in the open deserts of Arizona, I had plenty of time to think and observe the beautiful scenery.

One day, as I peddled across the high desert towards Flagstaff from the Grand Canyon, I could feel the strength in my legs and my circulatory system working in harmony with all parts of my being. I felt strong and happy. My eyes could see the far-off snow-capped mountains outside Flagstaff (San Francisco Peaks). The blue sky was incredible, and the feel of the cool high desert air on my skin and in my lungs led me to ponder the complexity of life. I began to extrapolate my thoughts.

I reasoned that if I had never seen a clock before but studied it, I would discover a few things. This study would take a while, but initially, I would see that the hands of the clock corresponded to the daily cycle of the sun.

I would discover quickly that the parts of the clock were precise…working together to move the hands exactly to measure time. Ah! Here is its purpose. All that I learned would tell me there must be a CLOCKMAKER. I didn’t know who or where he lived, but I knew he was out there somewhere. I had never met him, but somebody probably had. So, if I wanted to know more, I would (theoretically) start some research and learn as much as possible about the CLOCKMAKER. While the clock and its workings are interesting, it is the punctilious CLOCKMAKER, the originator of this instrument, that is more fascinating.

My extrapolated thought process continued. Our bodies, how we were born, how we are sustained and have the ability to pro-create is far more complicated than a simple clock. I reasoned, there must be a punctilious PERSON MAKER! When I came to that conclusion, I said the first meaningful prayer in my life, “God, if you are out there, please reveal yourself to me.” Well, He did in a way I had not anticipated. The prayer was forgotten as my trip progressed. It was not until many months later that I remembered it.

When I returned from my trip, Julie (the mother of our children-may, she rest in peace) was attending evangelistic-type Bible studies. She seemed different. Calmer. I made fun of her so much that she finally threw a dare at me. She said,

take my notes and prove me wrong.”

This appealed to my scientific, history-loving, college-educated mind, so I took her up on it. She was crafty to draw me in like that. I knew what she was up to, but I believed I could easily find the errors in the Bible and discount Jesus and the whole world of religion in a few sentences. After all, I was educated. She only had a high-school diploma. But, I would learn that wisdom doesn’t require a Ph.D. behind your name.

To make a long story short, I studied Jesus and the entire Bible for months like I would study a book about the CLOCKMAKER I had never seen. In the early and mid-70s, there was not the madness of the internet, so I researched the church’s history and the Bible’s prophecies at the downtown library in Nashville. Wow! What a journey. My research revealed I knew very little about the Bible, Jesus, and the journey of the Jews.

My conclusions?

Jesus was all He, the prophets, and his disciples claimed Him to be!


Jesus was the prophetic Messiah on a mission to save the world from eternal death and offer us eternal life. He is also part of the Godhead and is, therefore, our Creator God (See John Chapter 1: 1-14. Colossians 1: 15-18, Hebrews 1: 1-2).

I would not have known if I had kicked the clock away with no interest in how it worked. What I learned changed my life and direction eternally, as it has millions of others. I discovered there is a spiritual side to us and not just physical. Jesus said,

The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

John 6:63

Needless to say, Julie was happy and amazed at my transformation as I was amazed at her change! In my efforts to prove her wrong, I found her God!

My point is this…the physical world we see had a beginning and a Creator. None of us were there. While we can’t see the Creator (like I couldn’t see the clockmaker), God put within us all His Spirit to tap into and give us the desire to know Him. Yes, we can know the great Creator.

“…let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:24

We can know about Him through the prophets. creation, and Jesus in the Bible. Even without the Bible, creation is the evidence of His design that gives us faith in Him. In fact, the Bible’s definition of faith is based on evidence and substance:

“Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1.

We can have reasons to believe. It doesn’t have to be blind.

The Bible, written by over 40 different authors with the same God experience, is deeper and more accurate than INTERPRETIVE science because there is a God bigger than His creation. Not in size but in complexity. The inspired writers (2 Peter 1:21) moved by God’s Spirit, point our eyes to the heavens to see the power of the unseen Creator.

“For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been CLEARLY SEEN, being understood from what has been made, so that people are WITHOUT EXCUSE.

Romans 1:20

(It would have been silly for me not to believe there was a clock-maker because the evidence was right there in front of me. The same thought holds true for God-the, Creator.)

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Psalm 19:1

(We can learn about God in His creation which is the work of His hands)

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

Psalm 8:3-4

Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
 For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33: 8-9

(We are so small when we look at the universe. It is because we are created. He is the Creator.)

How foolish can you be?
  He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay!
Should the created thing say of the one who made it,
  “He didn’t make me”?
Does a jar ever say,
 “The potter who made me is stupid”? Isiah 29: 16 NLT

One last point. As Moses writes in Genesis, God did all this in 6 literal days (evenings and mornings). This is outside the realm of science and their calculations based on things as they know them and their assumption that …

all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

2 Peter 3:4

Creation from nothing is only possible from an eternal Creator. Our week of 7 days testifies to creation week. Why not a 10-day or 5-day week?

If you are having trouble with belief, I recommend you get to know the CLOCKMAKER.

At a certain point in my studies and discovery, I prayed the second meaningful prayer in my life:

“Lord, I don’t know what you will do with me. I have made so many mistakes and sinned so much. Would you forgive me? Please put me to work. I don’t want to be a pew warmer.”

He answered this prayer immediately.

I was baptized and began a journey of ministry. What a ride it has been! Julie was very happy. But the enemy of souls does not give up easily, nor does the flesh.

These last 48 years have been a battle, but God is faithful never to leave me nor forsake me despite the war raging around me. Battles have been won and some lost, but I am thankful for the strength of the CLOCKMAKER …” because the one who is in (me) is greater than the one who is in the world.; 1 John 4: 4

So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being, I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.  What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7: 21-25

If you are having trouble with belief, I recommend you get to know the CLOCKMAKER.


 Thus says the Lord:

“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,

Jeremiah 9 23-24

There are many in this world (mostly atheists and agnostics) who say it is impossible to know God, much less prove his existence. I recently read on an atheistic website called The Center for Inquiry these abstracted and unprovable claims:


1. Humans will never have the cognitive capacity to directly understand anything with infinite powers or qualities.

2. Humans will never have intellectual reasons to indirectly demonstrate the existence of anything with infinite powers or qualities.

3. There are only two kinds of proofs for God: direct understanding or indirect demonstration.

Conclusion: Humans will never have any proofs for God.


They boldly make this statement:

“There is no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy life.

It is interesting they assume that believers don’t enjoy life. They also suppose that believers are worried about proving God’s existence. If God’s people don’t enjoy life and are worried, maybe it is because of the ceremonies of religion and not the reality of the good news about God.

This same author wrote an article revealing the atheist’s hatred for religion. It was also ingrained into my brain when I embraced the faith of unbelief.

Not Even God Could Make Me Religious.

The words of atheists reveal the stubbornness of not seeking but rather falling back on superficial philosophical word games. Rarely do I meet an unbeliever who does not display a superior attitude and pride in their exegetic philosophies. The ideas of atheists rely on humanistic viewpoints within their circles that feed off each other. They claim science backs them up. This is their proof for unbelief and an excuse for hedonistic living.

Interpretive science is merely expositions that reach conclusions based on one theory of man’s existence and meaning-Evolution. A Creator is not considered because they don’t want to contemplate anything they can’t see and put in a test tube. Evolution conveniently takes away a superior being and the possibility of accountability for a life filled with narcissistic reasoning and unrestrained pleasure seeking. The theme can be summarized in one statement

Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

When Jesus told the parable of the rich man, He repeated the condition of a self-serving approach to living….a short period of 70 years on earth.

And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.

Luke 12:19

Then, Jesus made this blunt statement of accountability:

But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

Luke 12:20-21

As a convert from atheism to a believer of the only Creator God, I also hold a destain for religion. Even Jesus Himself reserved His most severe and condemning words for the religionists of the day.

Religious zeal can take two forms: One marked by an air of superiority, self-righteous judgment, and control. But true religion, demonstrated by real believers, will exhibit humbleness and concern for those who are on a dark road that ends in eternal disaster. Love and servitude will dominate the character.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble

James 1:27

Over the next several blogs, we will explore the difference between being religious and being real. But mostly, we will explore the fact that knowing God is not only possible, it is also critical.

This study of knowing God is not directed towards the atheist nor the agnostic, it is what God reveals to those who claim to follow Him. The question is: “Who are the religionists, and who is real?” I won’t use the philosophy of my words, but the words of the many people who knew God and had experience with Him as recorded in the books of the Bible.

I am not out to prove anything about the existence of God. There is plenty of proof for that despite the hard-headed unbelievers’ claims. Rather, it is God’s words spoken directly or indirectly through those who were inspired by His Spirit that will direct our paths. For those who seek God, whether a church-attender or not, a journey to know God will result in something an atheist stubbornly resists: real peace, real happiness, real hope, and real eternal life

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. 1 John 15:13