“No, I can’t prove He exists, but I believe He does.”
Why would someone believe in something they can’t see? The more important question is, “What if it could be shown without a doubt that He exists and that the Bible is His reliable source of truth? What would you do?”
Since this is all about questions and doubt, let’s start with a personal question:
What do you need to believe God exists?
What would it take for you to believe a Creator God exists? How could you become convinced or satisfied with God’s existence? Maybe it’s direct physical evidence, like in a murder case where you have DNA, a weapon, a video, and witnesses. That would be a slam-dunk case. Wouldn’t it? If God showed up at your house or office as would a flesh and blood friend and say to you,
“Hello, I am God, and I am here to answer all your questions.”
Then, He proceeded to answer the “why?” questions about losing a loved one, or He let you in on the solutions to world troubles. Would you believe He exists? What if He could tell you the secrets of your life that only you knew? Would you become a believer, then?
Let’s imagine on a grander scale. What if He showed up at the Super Bowl this February, hovering in clouds above the 50-yard line on international TV, and said,
“Listen up, everyone, I am God, there is no other like me, and I can prove it. I will predict the game’s score and the exact time each team scores. Further, I am giving you the final stats of the game before kick-off.”
Would that be enough proof for you to become a believer? How would it affect your life?
Perhaps you are a highly educated Ph.D. scientist with an understanding of the details of the biology of life. What would satisfy you that God exists and He originated all life and knows more than you do? What if He explained how He created the universe and life and gave you formulas you had never considered?
Would all of this be enough?
What would you do with this knowledge if you could be totally satisfied with God’s existence and ability to create everything from nothing? Sadly, most would probably say,
“That’s great! Now I got to go back to work.”
If it could be proved to you, without a doubt, of God’s existence, would you become a believer and seeker of Him and truth?
Most would say,
“No, I am too busy with my life.”
Is it possible that unbelief is not because of a so-called lack of evidence but of something else? Many people do not want there to be a Creator God for various reasons, but mostly because they love their lives, as degraded as they may be. Could it be that we feel God would restrict our joy in life? Then, how about the big question of moral absoluteness and accountability for our actions?
I propose to you that belief is not so much about proof of His existence as is the perceived inconvenience it would cause in our daily lives. But having said all this, let’s continue with the elements to prove either circumstantially or directly His existence. Let me say from the start that I have empathy for the unbeliever, having once been one.
There are many reasons why people chose to believe there is no God and that all of the earth’s events are random and unmanaged. This is where we will start. Let’s take a look at the reasons given for unbelief in a creator God.
Barriers to Belief
1.) Unwillingness to Investigate
Evidence of God’s existence starts with a willing search. You can’t find or learn something if you don’t want to look. Many don’t want to look at it either due to time or just not being interested. The result is quick opinions about something they know very little. They become subject to theories that fit their desire.
Not true is the popular unbiblical saying, “Faith is blind.” A biblical definition of faith is based on the wide-open eyes of substance (confidence) and evidence (tangible). That great religious writer, Paul, who was on his way to persecute Christian believers, said to the Hebrews:
Now faith is the substance (*confidence) of things hoped for, the evidence (*circumstantial and real, tangible) of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)
*Parenthetical additions from the original Greek words for substance and evidence: hypostasis(substance) andelegchos(evidence)
God evidently cares about you getting the evidence, but if you don’t want it, there will be no way for it to help. Herein lies the problem with a believer trying to prove God exists. It probably doesn’t matter much if the person does not want there to be a Creator God. So, the substance and evidence are unimportant to them, and they may never start a journey to find the truth. Why? It could be many personal reasons related to lifestyle, perception of what it means to be a believer, peer pressure, etc.
Probably the most significant barrier to belief in God centers on suffering in the world. In all fairness to the unbelievers, there are many things in life on this planet that create unbelief in a Creator God. Even full-blown believers think about these things, but unlike the unbeliever, they have read and understand the words of the prophets about the fall of mankind, sin, the love of God, redemption through Christ, and the path mankind has been on for thousands of years.
2.) Suffering in the World
“If there is a God, why is there so much pain and death in the world?
Suffering and death result from many things other than simply wearing out from old age. Here are some examples: chronic physical and mental pain, continuous wars, bad accidents, mental breakdowns, violent crimes, child and spouse abuse, poverty, and hunger; oppression and persecution of those who feel superior… the list of sufferings that precede death goes on and on.
The death of a loved one, a small child, a toddler, or a young person affects most of us tremendously. The pain is sometimes unbearable. Some will turn to alcohol or drugs to ease the pain.
This typical objection to the existence of God almost always starts with an “If” followed by a “why.” “If” there is a God, then “why” is there suffering in this world? “If there is a God, “why” did He let my mother die?” “If” there is a God, “why” do I struggle all the time?
The insinuation from this question is that “if” God is good and in control, then none of these things would be present on earth. Therefore, everything that happens is by man’s doing or the evolution’s cycle of life, suffering, and death. The unbeliever reasons, “Everything is by chance or coincidence.”
So, this type of thinking requires life on earth to be like heaven, where no one dies or suffers, and everyone is happy.
It is not hard to see something terribly wrong on planet Earth. We have come to expect death, dying, and suffering, but was this God’s plan? What happened? The Bible has the answer, but it is not what most people want to know.
3.) The Actions of Unconverted Believers
The unloving, critical, judgmental nature of people in church or in public can do more to convince an unbeliever that God doesn’t exist or, at the least, not want a part of it. So, they will retreat to friends and flock together in their community where love is expressed. The wars and death in the name of religion just add more fuel or reasons to conclude those Christians, Muslims, etc., are just nuts.
4.) Science
Scientists use systematic principles and procedures to solve problems or gain knowledge by collecting data through observation and experiment. Then, their hypotheses are tested. Science has benefited society in many ways. It has made life easier, safer, more convenient, and extended life and its quality.
But, when it comes to the study of origins, some data is skipped over or maligned. The intelligence (Creator) factor is removed, and we wind up with supposed evidence that interprets life’s beginnings according to man’s desire to dismiss the miracle of creation, procreation, and God. It is thought that God and science have nothing in common, even though some see evidence that God is the originator of all laws that science depends upon.
Evolution has moved from interpretive science to exact science in the minds of many. Mankind’s self-education through the study and observance of nature concludes something different from an intelligent Creator.
God can’t be put in a test tube, but his fingerprints and DNA can be found there. Nevertheless, if a scientist does not want to believe, evidence will not convince them. They will always lean towards theories that fit their worldview and justify their lifestyle/worldview. And, to be honest, it works the same with the Creationist. It is difficult to be purely objective.
5.) Philosophers
It has been estimated that there are over 3,000 philosophers worldwide. Among them are different teachings on life, its beginnings, and endings. Is everybody right? Can error and truth coexist? Evidently, it does in the minds of some people. But logically, the truth is no less true, and error is no less wrong.
Listening to other people who are, or seem to be, experts (pundits) in their field and their reasoning can lead us to form similar opinions that may be right or wrong about many things, including God and the Bible. There are “non-pundits” (famous people such as actors and musicians, etc.) who are not necessarily learned but have opinions that carry weight with those who admire them..
6.) Deception
If you have read the Bible, even casually, you know that deception (for humans) started in a garden, runs through history, and ends with worldwide deception. Satan is called “the father of lies” (See John 8:44). Satan enticed the first couple with a false promise of eternal life and becoming like God (See Genesis 3:4-5). There are many (worldwide) who believe themselves to be God or have received some special revelation. They gather gullible followers without an anchor. These self-proclaimed gods prey on those who have no confident answers and are looking for convenient, self-satisfying truths about life.
With the advent of the web, the number of self-proclaimed philosophers/gods/pundits has reached a staggering level of exposure. Instead of one serpent, there is a whole nest of them all over the world.
Substance and evidence by the false gods are missing. In its place is charisma and power. Following is a very small list of so-called gods on earth; some are dead. No denomination or nationality is exempt from cultic offshoots. (Source: www.monitor.co.ug). Note: the multitude of podcasts, YouTube, and web personalities could be included, but it would take too much time to list them.
Owobusobozi Bisaka– (former Catholic who received a “revelation” and started his own denomination).
Moon Sun Myung-(former Presbyterian. He also received a “revelation,” founded the Unification Church)Inri Christo-Looks a lot like the classic pictures of Jesus and uses some of His teachings.
Sergei Torop founded the Church of the Last Testament. He is a former policeman who was fired after insisting he was Jesus and began to impersonate him with long hair and flowing robes.
Arrifin Mohammed started the sect called The Sky Kingdom. A former Muslim, he claims to be Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Shiva, and the supreme deity of all religions.
Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda-Jose founded Creciendo Gracia (Spanish for Growing in Grace) church in the US. At first, Miranda, who is from Mexico, claimed to be Paul, a leading figure of the Bible.
David Koresh, a former member of an offshoot of Seventh-Day Adventists called Shepherd’s Rod, also known as Davidians. Shepherd’s Rod founder was Victor Houteff, whom the worldwide Seventh-Day Adventist Administration excommunicated in 1930.
Marshall Applewhite, founder of Heaven’s Gate, based his beliefs on a mixture of Christian Eschatology and mysticism. He convinced his 38 followers (and himself) that the comet Hale-Bobb was accompanied by a spaceship that would take them from this world, but to get aboard, they needed to leave the physical body through death.
7.) A Multitude of Religious Denominations
Numbers vary and go as high as 30,000 distinct denominations. If you want your head to spin, see the details about the plethora of world religions and denominations on Wikipedia). Most of these folks were born into their particular denomination. Some convert, I am sure. But most would feel they have the truth about God. But how can everybody be right? Solomon, the wise man of God, cautioned,
There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
Proverbs 14:12, 16:25
8.) There is No Absolute Truth
This mass confusion has led many to say, “There is no absolute truth.” But is that true, absolutely? If “yes,” then that statement contradicts itself. If the answer is “no,” then there must be absolute truth out there somewhere.
Some proclaim, “I have my truth, and you have your truth.” Does this mean that everyone is right and nobody is wrong? Is that even possible? Do feelings determine truth? I can feel that I can fly, but if I jump off a skyscraper, the truth about gravity will have people scrapping me off the sidewalk.
9.) Reliability of the Bible
This is an often-used excuse for unbelief. It is usually stated by those who have only heard things and never researched or studied themselves. This we will explore later.
There is a multitude of reasons for disbelief. This planet is in chaos. Wouldn’t you agree? We could study each philosopher, each deity, and each denomination, but that would take more than a lifetime. The truth is out there. God is out there, too! But what will it take to convince you?
Jesus is the most influential religious leader of all time. He and his disciples made some fantastic claims. Jesus Himself said,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,”John 14:6
This exclusive claim is either true or it is false. If you believe it to be true, you will have reasons for the hope that is within you. If you believe it is false, you, too, must have evidence. But you won’t know until you search the Bible alone. Deception awaits you if you research the web or read books that claim Jesus is false. You are also in danger listening to family and friends. It is only in the writings of approximately 40 writers whom God inspired to write or were eyewitnesses of Jesus. The story of Jesus is not limited to one writer as it is with others who claim to be God. The proof is in the Bible, which covers thousands of years from creation to destruction.
Are you willing to give Jesus and the Bible a chance? Do you want to follow the evidence and its conclusion? If not, you have wasted your time reading all this. But if you are willing and have an open mind, the truth will set you free from doubt and set you on a new, satisfying journey in life.
We have looked at some barriers to belief. Next time, we will look at sources for truth and belief in God. These things put before me reasons to believe. Hopefully, it will provide the same for you. But it is your choice.
What is the very last sign before the end comes? It is this: the gospel of Jesus will be preached to the whole world. Listen to the exact wording from Jesus’ prophecy:
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24: 10-14
Notice the phrase, “as a witness.” Is it the preaching that is the witness or is it the people who are witness to the power of God? It is the latter! Image a world-wide spreading of the gospel which results in multitudes repenting of their sins and asking Jesus into their lives then producing the fruits of a new heart. These converted believers go out to witness and to preach. Preaching and witnessing go together otherwise; it is just a bunch of sermons.
Contrast this group with the generation existing at that time:
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then, many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24: 10-14
Just before the completion of the gospel going to the whole world, Jesus describes the generation that we now live in…
“And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. “
Matthew 24:10:14
I can’t think of a better description of our society at this moment. People who are easily offended, betraying each other, hating, lawlessness, people no longer capable of loving others. Our newspapers, newscasters, movie producers, and social media confirm this to be true. Jesus said this would be the condition of society just before the end comes.
An Overly Sensitive Civilization
America and the world have become a “sensitive society.” Laws are passed, and pressure is brought to bear to force every person never to offend anyone. Will laws and protests get the desired result? No!
Political correctness has become the new commandment of lawmakers and a Godless press. Everyone’s words (especially those in the public eye) are measured, analyzed, and judged unfairly…primarily for political and power gain. Lawyers have become the ones carrying the big stick to threaten and force people back into line so no one is offended; otherwise, the offenders will risk life, property, and reputation.
Who are the ones on the list we are not to offend?
Certain Ethnicities
Sexual Preference and Gender Identification
Religious Preference, other than Christians
Rioters and Looters-Many state politicians say they are justified and should not be condemned.
Organizations with deceptive messages
People with opposite beliefs about the topic of freedom and values
Who does not make the list?
American Caucasians
Traditional male and female families
Followers of Christ
Jesus said, in the last days, people would be offended and His followers would be hated:
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets (teachers) will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound,the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 34:9-14
A blessing is given to those not offended by Jesus:
“…blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”
Matthew 11:6
The Solution:
The solution is obvious when we consider and understand the truth about the human heart. Everyday people are born in this world who will reset the chain of sin and wickedness.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9.
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.” Jeremiah 13:23
Jesus said the answer to our society’s ills is found only in the change of the heart…a different way of thinking and doing things:
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
John 3:3
If you have been born again, you will love all those on the list of the easily offended. But, generally, you won’t be loved back. You will be hated and persecuted anyway. Will that offend you?
You will see in everyone a bit of God’s image. They will be respected and loved even though you don’t agree with them. Here are our orders as followers of Christ.
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you,do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
Matthew 5:44.
Can you do this?
Are you doing as Jesus instructed, or are you following the example of those easily offended….looking for ways to retaliate…to “one-up” them?
Do Not Be an Offender
We should be careful not to offend anyone if it is in our power, even in our habits. The Apostle Paul even encouraged us to not offend in things like what we eat or drink. Paul makes reference to this thought in Romans over the debate of food sacrificed to idols.
“It isgood neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.” Romans 14:21
It is not God’s will for us to cause anyone to stumble, or be offended, or made weak. In another place, Paul said,
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God,just as I also please allmenin allthings,not seeking my own profit, but theprofitof many, that they may be saved. 1 Corinthians 10:31-33
Paul tried to “please all men in all things.” Paul was a people-pleaser! His desire was to put others above himself so “they may be saved.” Winning theological arguments or diet is not as important as winning souls.
Paul makes the point of not offending someone who invites you to dinner:
If any of those who do not believe invites you to dinner, and you desire to go, eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience’ sake.
1 Corinthians 10:27
Vegetarians, can you do this? Yes! Go back to your diet the next day. Do not offend your host! A soul is more important than your food!
This was in the context of food sacrificed to idols. But, the main message is this. Don’t let your religion get in the way of saving and encouraging someone.
Christians That Offend:
Christians can be offensive in one of three ways:
Because people hate your leader, Jesus.
Because we tell them the truth about sin and its wages. (But even in this, we are to be harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent.” “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless[a] as doves.” Matthew 10:16
Because some of us are too religious, You may have heard of some people who are “so heavenly-minded that they are no earthly good.” These are more interested in winning a theological debate than winning a soul for Christ. These are usually a denominationalist. They say things like, “My church is the right church, and everyone else is going to hell.” Or they are so consumed by being religious through useless forms and ceremonies to score points with other people or God Himself.
In Jesus’ day, there was a religious group who were offended by the words of Jesus over traditions:
When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, “Hear and understand: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.”
Then His disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?”
But He answered and said,“Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”
Then Peter answered and said to Him, “Explain this parable to us.”
So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.” Matthew 15: 10-20
The religious people were offended because their tradition of ceremonial washing of hands before eating was ignored by Jesus and His disciples. Why? Because it was a useless act of worthless religion.
Jesus was Offended
The most striking example of someone who was truly offended yet did not retaliate was Jesus in His final hours, where he was beaten, whipped, and made fun of. Even as He was dying on the cross, he prayed for His enemies. One author described Jesus this way:
“The Savior made no murmur of complaint. His face remained calm and serene, but great drops of sweat stood upon His brow. There was no pitying hand to wipe the death dew from His face, nor words of sympathy and unchanging fidelity to stay His human heart. While the soldiers were doing their fearful work, Jesus prayed for His enemies, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” His mind passed from His own suffering to the sin of His persecutors and the terrible retribution that would be theirs. No curses were called down upon the soldiers who were handling Him so roughly. No vengeance was invoked upon the priests and rulers, who were gloating over the accomplishment of their purpose. Christ pitied them in their ignorance and guilt. He breathed only a plea for their forgiveness,—”for they know not what they do.” Desire of Ages. P. 744
My friends, we live in a sensitive society. People are easily offended. As a result, we see hatred, division, murderers, hate, and racism growing at an alarming pace!
Our best response is to try to not offend anyone
Through the power of Christ, don’t be easily offended
When we are offended, pray for our enemies:
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,”
Matthew 5:44
As you see the madness of this world, don’t be down, you followers of Jesus,. Look up!
“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Luke 21:28
We are one day closer to the return of Christ than we were yesterday.
How often have you picked up a good book and skipped over the first two-thirds of the pages to start reading? Have you done the same with instructions designed to help you put something together, assemble a new end table, or set up the new iPhone? I dare say none of us would do such a silly thing. The results would be frustrating. You may be tempted to throw in the towel or pay someone who doesn’t mind reading the entire page of instructions.
Something similar occurs when we limit our reading of the Scriptures to only the New Testament. By doing so, we get only one-third of the story about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. If we only focus on the New Testament, we can’t understand Him at the level and depth He intended. We may become frustrated and discouraged in our understanding of Jesus.
God’s dealings with His people, the plan of Salvation, the prophecies, the Godhead, and His will for us can become cloudy, if not invisible, by reading only part of the story. Most of all, we get an incomplete picture of Jesus. This practice can even lead to false teaching that could add further bewilderment. Please remember that this concept does not diminish the New Testament in any way. It does the opposite. The New Testament writers disclose the fulfillment and reality of Jesus. Their passion for Jesus is built on the firm foundation of God’s inspired writers from ancient times.
All Scripture
Paul told Timothy, his young protege, this critical teaching about scripture:
“…from childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16
Interestingly, the word “Scripture” refers only to the Old Testament books. The New Testament was in the process of being written when Paul wrote these words about thirty years after the cross. Neither Timothy nor Paul had a copy of the New Testament. True, the disciples’ letters were scattered throughout the churches, but there was no red-letter New Testament book of the New Testament writers for them to study.
Except for one time in Daniel 10:21, The word “Scripture” is used only in the New Testament (31 times) and always refers back to what we call the Old Testament. It was the only book Jesus, the disciples, and the Apostles used to prove that Jesus was the promised Messiah, expounding on the character of God and the plan of salvation.
So, Paul is referring to the same book Jesus quoted from. Paul says the “Old Testament” (Scripture) is good for several things in Timothy’s ministry and, therefore, our work today:
1.) wisdom for salvation;
2.) for doctrine;
3.) reproof;
4.) correction; and
5.) instruction in righteousness
Scripture is the collection of writings we call the Old Testament. This is an unfortunate title because it implies “old”; worn out, irrelevant. Some today say, “I am a New Testament Christian.” This implies they are living under the New Covenant, which should be, but the New Covenant has its basis in the writings of the Old Testament writers. A better statement of belief would be, “I am a Christian based on the entire word of God.” Modern Christian teachers have minimized these books, but by doing so, how much is overlooked about Jesus?
The Jews today have the same collection of writings. They refer to it as the Tanakh. It is divided into three main sections:
Tanakh is an acronym, made from the first Hebrew letter of each of the Masoretic Text’s three traditional divisions: Torah (literally ‘Instruction’ or ‘Law’), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings)—hence TaNaKh.
The Tanakh consists of twenty-four books, counting as one book each: 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, 1 Kings and 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles, and Ezra–Nehemiah. The Twelve Minor Prophets are also counted as a single book.
Therefore, all the books of the Old Testament are in the Tankah, but some are combined.
Jesus’ Scripture Study with His Disciples
At least twice, Jesus refers directly to these books of the Scriptures to explain who He is and His mission. Both times, he desired to open the eyes of His followers by teaching about Himself from the Scriptures. The story is found in the book of Luke.
After His resurrection on that 1st Day of the week, the resurrected Jesus caught up with two discouraged disciples who had just left the horror of Jerusalem that occurred on the Preparation Day (Friday). Their Rabbi had been nailed to a wooden cross like an animal! The One they loved was beaten, stripped, and finally met a suffering death. They were so discouraged that they were not praying…only discussing the scenes of that horrible day. They were, perhaps, rethinking their commitment to Jesus. Their faith had reached an all-time low.
But here is what I love about Jesus. At their lowest point, Jesus shows up! He didn’t appear to a large crowd at first, but to two lonely hurting followers. On that dusty road to Emmaus, neither man was praying for His presence, but Jesus appeared because He knew their damaged hearts. He does the same today. When you are at your lowest and don’t feel like praying, Jesus will show up just for you because of His great love and understanding!
The hurting disciples converse with the stranger, not knowing it is Jesus. They describe the scenes in Jerusalem with tears and pathos in their voice. Luke then records Jesus’ words.
Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into Hisglory?” And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24: 25-27
Jesus gave them a Scripture study from the Old Testament (it was not called that then) or what the Jews today would call the Tanakh. The topic? Jesus! Wouldn’t you have loved to have been a part of that study from Jesus Himself?
As suddenly as Jesus showed up, He disappeared just as they had begun their evening meal in Emmaus. This encounter left them with “hearts burning” within them. Even though the day was “far-spent,” they returned to Jerusalem with a new story to tell. They had seen Jesus in the flesh and discovered Him in Scripture. They had to tell the other disciples, so they likely ran all the way back to Jerusalem in the dark, where the other disciples were behind closed doors for “fear of the Jews” (John 20:19). When your heart is burning, you have to be running!
It was dark when they returned to Jerusalem since they had been talking with Jesus as they ate the evening meal seven miles away. They found the eleven disciples talking about Peter’s experience of seeing Jesus (Luke 24:34).
Suddenly, Jesus appears again! They think they have seen a spirit, but Jesus tells them, “Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” V. 39. Then He eats broiled fish and honeycomb with them.
But here is the relevant part to this theme: the two men on the way to Emmaus get to hear the Scripture study about Jesus a second time! When our hearts are burning and running to tell others about Jesus, we are learning.
Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Luke 24: 44-45
From this gathering of discouraged disciples, we learn that the writings of the Old Testament (the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms) are fulfilled in Jesus. Is it not obvious? We can learn many things about Jesus by reading these ancient writings.
So yes. if we only read the New Testament, we miss two-thirds of the story about Him. Our experience and faith in Jesus will explode when we discover Jesus from people like Moses, Ezra, Nehemiah, Solomon, Isaiah, David, Daniel, and many others whom God inspired to write about what they saw and experienced (2 Peter 1:21).
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them, you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” –Jesus (John 5:39)
My mom, younger brother, and I lived with my grandmother from the time I was five years old until I started the 5th grade at ten years old. As my two cousins will testify, “Mamaw” knew The Lord in a very special way.
My sweet Grandmother had a habit of kneeling beside the bed at night and praying to her Savior. She often prayed softly but loud enough so that I heard my name being presented to the throne room of Heaven. There were times I felt if I opened my eyes, I would see Jesus and her having a cup of tea while they talked.
Her prayers affect me to this day even though she died Christmas Eve 1976. This was only four months after my conversion from atheism to a follower of Christ. My first wife, who had just given her life to the Lord, challenged me to study her notes and prove her wrong. After months of study, I proved myself wrong and gave myself to the work of the Lord Jesus.
As my dear grandmother lay in the hospital bed that silent night, I asked The Lord to let her sleep so she would not be in pain and the confusion of Parkinson’s disease. I got news of her death after I left the hospital and arrived at home, where my wife and 2-month-old daughter waited for me.
That exact prayer for God’s mercy would be repeated years later for my saintly mother, who died from a lung infection. My prayer was, “Lord, let her sleep to escape the pain of death.” The doctors asked the family to say our goodbyes. When it came to my turn, I trembled. My mother had been praying for ten years for my return to the Lord. After eighteen years of service and following Jesus, I asked God to go away. I had lost faith due to tragedies in my life in 1994.
Mom often asked me when I was going to come back to the faith I once knew. Lately, I had begun to feel that familiar pull of the Holy Spirit to repent of my sins and receive forgiveness.
The Lord was knocking hard on the door of my heart. A lump the size of my fist was stuck in my throat as I approached this beautiful woman who had given me life. Like my Grandmother, my Mom knew the Lord and was close to HIm. Icema Pappas was the sweetest, non-obtrusive woman I had ever known. She was only moments away from the penalty passed upon all….death. We would be separated, perhaps forever.
Years earlier, after my conversion, she and I had studied the Bible about the resurrection and the coming of Jesus. It was in this study we saw the plan for those who die in Christ. The clearest verse is found in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18 (GW)
The Lord will come from heaven with a command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the dead who believed in Christ will come back to life. Then, together with them, we who are still alive will be taken up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. In this way, we will always be with the Lord. So then, comfort each other with these words!
When I leaned in close to my Mom, who seemed to be at peace but under the influence of the drugs to help soften the sting of death, I said these words through wet tears dripping on her hand. I held her soft, sweet hands close to my face.
“Mom, I will see you resurrection morning.”
Immediately, I felt a squeeze of her hand! Twice! That tightening of her hand had strength despite the drugs and impending death. It communicated the unspoken words,
“You better be there.”
Even in death, her humor and concern for me came through loud and clear through that grip!
Like those who see their life pass before their eyes when they think they are about to die, I recounted my fall from grace. My fall had been dramatic, just like my conversion. When converted, I was compelled to teach others about what I had learned. I became a Bible teacher with a very large class. I got involved in prison ministry and a world-wide magazine did a story on my ministry. A Christian brother (Charlie) and I began a radio ministry called Answers from Scripture. When Billy Graham came to town, I participated in training to become a counselor. For several nights, I had the incredible experience of working next to Jesus and the Graham team to help people start their “Jesus Journey.”
Jesus did things through me I never dreamed possible or likely.
But, a series of events in 1994 had me shaking my fist at God. I felt He had forsaken me. I turned back to the world and began to drink for the first time in my life. After several years, I became an alcoholic after feeling the deep pain of a sick child with a rare disease, a surprise divorce, losing my job unexpectedly, and the death of my father in a car wreck. Looking back, I should have pleaded with God, but I took the self-pity route.
I was so low that I could not feel God’s presence any longer, but He was there protecting me and hearing the prayers of these two powerful women in my life….not to mention many others in my church and my family.
This experience with my dying mother would only make that “still small voice.” louder. Later that year, I would return to the Lord like the prodigal son…dirty, broke, and doubtful. That is a story unto itself. My God had not forsaken me! He allowed me to waste my inheritance for the salvation of my soul.
My experience with my Creator is now stronger than ever before….in Christ, but I know that the prayers of these two beautiful women (and my ex-wife) interceded for me and stood in the gap by praying in my stead when I could not or would not do so.
Last night (New Year’s Eve 2015), I had the same feeling of hearing my name being presented to The Lord just like I heard from my grandmother and my mother years before.
My beautiful wife of almost two years (Judy) has a tradition of praying at midnight each new year. (What a contrast to the parties and drinking that I once indulged.) I tried to stay up till midnight, but we both fell asleep.
I was awakened by a soft touch on my arm and the sound of my beloved wife praying for me at midnight. She said The Lord woke her at 11:55 PM to pray.
There is nothing more powerful than a praying and believing woman! During Christ’s time on earth, it was the women who were closer and more loyal than the fearful men. These women dared the enemy of man and his agents by standing at the foot of the cross to comfort the dying Savior. Except for John, the disciples had all fled.
I am blessed by the prayers of four women in my life: My Grandmother, Mother, first wife (Mother of my children), and now my wife of two years, who encourages me along in my “Jesus Journey.” Also, those two female cousins I mentioned at the start also pray for me as I do for them!
Thank you, Judy, for carrying the prayer torch into another year and for praying for me…and my children. May I come to know the Lord like the women in my life!
Yes, I am blessed by the women who love me. But I bet you are, too!
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous (woman) avails much.”
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet
“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’ ”
The following is based primarily on Matthew 2:1-18 and Luke 2: 1-20
Inspiration and Timing for Our Journey
Our journey from Persia, where the great Hebrew prophet Daniel resided many years ago, has been difficult. It was the Hebrew prophets like Isaiah, Micah, and others who inspired our journey. We carefully studied their prophecies about the coming Messiah, but it was the prophet Daniel who wrote of the timing of the Savior’s arrival. It was going to be very soon! Micah disclosed the city of Bethlehem as our destination. But Daniel gave us the time of his arrival:
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.” Micah 5:2
“Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; Daniel 9: 25
We had a place and a start time for the clock of prophecy. We knew from the book of Ezra that the decree to restore and build Jerusalem was given by Artaxerxes, the king of Persia to Ezra, the priest, in the fall of 457 BC. Our careful calculation to the Messiah starts here and moves forward 69 weeks. This is 483 days or years by applying the day-to-year principle as indicated by the other Hebrew prophets. The timing was tantalizing close to our time. To encourage us even more, we saw a star in the east that beaconed us to start our journey.
The People and Sights Along the Way
We have fought sandstorms, cold, and that never-ending heat! My back aches from the monotonous rocking of my camel’s steps. It is like riding on a slow-moving boat pushed back and forth continually by repetitive ocean waves; perhaps another reason they call them ships of the desert. Despite all this, I am sure our inconvenience will be rewarded! We have put our hearts and time into this journey. We are certain the prophecies from the ancient scrolls are accurate.
The camels have done well, but like us, they enjoy the breaks we often take and the people we meet along the way. When we pass through the many villages, the beasts become the center of attention for the children who try to feed them hay and anything else they can find. (**See note at the end regarding the number of Wisemen)
The adults are filled with questions about our journey and our destination. They want to know where we come from. Their wide eyes reveal they are impressed with the distance we have traveled. We are glad to share with them the news of the Messiah and what we know from the ancient scrolls. Some consider us crazy, but many listen and wish they could go with us. They call it an adventure, but we know it is more…so much more.
Nighttime is my favorite part of the day because of the star’s brightness guiding us and the peace that comes from the quiet, disturbed only by the crackling fire and the occasional snort of a tired camel. Our conversation around the fire is pleasant and lulls me into a deep sleep.
The star is a constant reminder of the accuracy of the scrolls and a confirmation of our journey. Many people we have met have seen the unusually bright star and wondered. They don’t know what it means but are comforted by its beauty and marvel that its magnificence is not diminished by the light of day. When we started, it was low on the horizon, but it is rising and becoming brighter as we have drawn nearer to our destination, Bethlehem!
I lean back on the saddle I have used as a pillow and enjoy the warmth of the fire. I am warm and content. My journal and mind are filling up with my notes. I make this entry under the light from the twinkling star-lit night.
Now, we are only one day out from Jerusalem. We hope to visit King Herod and celebrate with him the coming of the Messiah. The town is surely busy with activity and celebration even though it has taken us many months to get this far.
Our anticipation grows so much that we wake in the star-lit clearness of the approaching new day. We desire to arrive in Jerusalem early in the sunlit morning to seek an audience with the king before we head off to Bethlehem, only about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) to the south of the capital city.
So I rise with the others, full of energy and anticipation of the journey ahead of us. We mount our ships of the desert, which match our excitement to start moving again. This is going to be a good day! I can feel it!
The early morning air is cold, and the star is brighter than ever! We hear music in the distance! As we approach the outskirts of Jerusalem, we are greeted by shepherds watching over their sheep. With wonder in their eyes, they run up to our caravan and ask us the usual questions: our destination and where we come from.
I tell them the story of our journey and our wish to see the new baby king. They are polite and respectful and let us speak first. When I pause my story, they begin to talk fast and together as if they will burst if their words are not heard. Wonder and curiosity force us to dismount our camels and gather around them. They calm themselves and begin to talk one at a time. Then begins their beautiful story of the events when the Messiah was born.
“We were in the field at night when we heard the sound of singing and joy, and there was light all around us that lit up the countryside like it was daytime….only brighter.“
Then the next one speaks with equal intensity.“We were afraid! I turned my eyes toward the ground.”
A third young man, a little older, says, The brightness was coming from an angel who told us to
” fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”
Luke 2:10
“The angel told us to go to the city of David where we would find Christ the Lord, and we would find a babywrapped in *swaddling clothes lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12 (**See note at the end.)
Another one talks before the older one finishes, “The music continued, and many more angels appeared high in the night sky!”
It all is starting to come together for me. The older boy exclaims confidently, “That star you have followed are angels. They began to sing again as your caravan approached us.”
The youngest one blurts, “After the angels appeared to us, we left our flocks and raced towards Bethlehem. There we found a woman named Mary and her husband Joseph, and there in a manger was the baby they call Jesus.”
My heart pounds faster as I realize we now know the king’s name! His name is Jesus! In Greek, it means “Jehovah is Salvation.” The Hebrew name is Joshua. His mission is in His Name!
Their eyes are bright, and they all nod their heads in agreement when the older shepherd boy slows down his words and says with tears in his eyes. “Our hearts are changed! We can’t stop talking about that night and the baby Jesus. We have told everyone! Even Mary rejoiced at our story!”
The visit with the young men has inspired and energized us! We have also learned the name of the mother and father! It is an easier climb back on my camel. Our strength has been renewed, as well as our urgency to get to Bethlehem. The music and praise in the heavens grow louder and brighter even as the yellow and orange of the sunrise pushes us toward Jerusalem and King Herod.
We arrive in Jerusalem by mid-morning. The angel star is quiet. The smell of food awakens our hunger. But, we greatly desire to see the king as soon as possible. It overrides all our growing hunger and thirst.
There is a crowd to meet us. It is easy to notice they are not like the excited shepherds. They are curious and seem afraid and worried. Maybe it is our large caravan and the way we look. Our skin and clothes are different.
We finally arrive at the king’s palace and request an audience with him. To my surprise, we are immediately invited in. A few of us go, and the others mix with the growing crowd outside, telling them of our journey and the new story from the shepherds that they had already heard. And, of course, the children ask many questions and try to feed the camels.
We wait for a long time before we are welcomed into the king’s presence. King Herod reflects the same aura as the people outside. He looks concerned. For a moment, I wonder if we made a mistake coming here.
I am the first one to speak. Excitedly, I blurted out words without considering that I was talking to a king.
“Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.”
Although we knew of Jesus’ birthplace, surely He is somewhere in the big city by now. I began to think this was not a good question and statement…asking a reigning king about a king that would rule the Jews in the future. The king struggles to stay polite and excuses himself. We can hear him calling all his wise men and priests together, standing nearby. He tries to whisper so we can’t hear, but the cold palace lets his voice carry easily through its halls. Well, we didn’t get off to a good start.
He is angry and demands they tell him where this Christ would be born. We hear them quote the same scrolls we studied before and after we left on our long journey. We hear the Scribes read from the Prophet Micah. The same place that the scroll of the prophet told us where He would be born:
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.”
Michah 5:2
We look at each other with the same surprise. They have taken the words of their ancient prophets so lightly. I feel foreboding and regretfulness rising up within me as the king invites us back into his private chambers.
A forced smile appears on his troubled face. He apologizes for not being more hospitable and invites us to have some food and something to drink. I am uncomfortable. The meeting is uncomfortable. We politely eat some of the food even though our hunger is different.
He asks about our trip, and we tell him about our long journey, the star in the east, and the shepherds we met just outside town. We sense we should not tell the king anything more and look for an excuse to leave quickly.
Then, he asked us a question he was eager to know. It seemed to be the main reason for his talking with us, which hinged on this question.
“When was it you first saw the star and began the journey ?”
Reluctantly, I tell him it has been almost two years. The king is attempting to determine the age of the Child. He then says in almost a whisper and an evil voice,
“Go and search for him, and when you find him, bring him here to the palace that I might worship him too.”
With a jump and quick turn around, he immediately leaves us and disappears into the palace. He is no doubt trying to use us to locate the Child.
The attendant escorted us back to our caravan and the growing crowd. We never expected to have such a greeting. I, along with my friends, have become suspicious and concerned. We are glad to get back on our camels and back to following the star, which has turned us south towards the sleepy little village of Bethlehem.
The sun has risen fast. It waits for no one. We continue our journey toward Bethlehem. It is a short distance, but we travel slowly, enjoying the final leg of our journey. It will be starting to get dark before we arrive.
The excitement of seeing the new king of the Jews returns to our hearts as we travel along silently, contemplating the events of last night and this morning. The crowds have disappeared.
There before us lies the twinkling lights of the little city of Bethlehem! The star is just above the peaceful town, shining its clear light and casting shadows on the surrounding hillside. How beautiful it is! We feel great joy and express our congratulations to each other. A journey of hundreds of miles has brought us to this moment! A small group of citizens comes to greet us at the entrance to the village. We ask for Mary and Joseph.
The star is almost directly overhead as a sweet girl escorts us to a tiny house near the edge of town.
Dismounting our camels, we hear the music again far up in the night sky. Mary greets us at the door as we crowd into the small, clean home.
We feel the presence of royalty as the young toddler Jesus walks into the room. Emotions overcome us, and we fall on our knees and worship the child we know to be the fulfillment of thousands of years of prophecy. We have seen Him in all the scrolls of the Jews many times. The face of God is in his brown eyes! We can sense a power that searches our hearts. Many of us weep and then gather ourselves to give our gifts.
We bring in our offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and we celebrate our gift of time with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. They make our visit enjoyable and pleasant. We spent the night laughing and playing with little Jesus. I take him up in my arms and show him the camels. They are calm and peaceful as Jesus reaches out and touches them. He wants to touch all of them! Never before have I seen such a face as the One who looks at me. The others demand their time to hold Him, so I pass Him to the other men. I still feel his warmth in my arms and on my chest. The journey has been worth every step and more. My heart wants to burst with joy! I feel alive!
The rest of the night is spent talking and eating. Too soon, our time with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus is finished. Before we leave, we ask for permission to anoint Jesus with more gifts we brought. It is a special moment when we place the sweet smell upon the head of Jesus as he sits in his mother’s lap. We are content and feel the presence of God in the room and in the sparkling eyes of the Little King.
No Ordinary Child
I wonder why more people do not understand that here before us is Immanuel (God with us)!
Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
This little boy will grow up to save the world from eternal death! He will pay the penalty we deserve and teach us spiritual things about the kingdom of God! It is all in the ancient scrolls! My mind goes to the scroll of Isaiah 6:9
For unto us, a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 6:9
He is “Mighty God,” Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!” My breath is taken as I consider who we stand before! This is no ordinary child!
We wish to stay but feel we must begin our journey back. We promise to return when the child is older. We know from the writings of the prophet Daniel that the young child will live to be only about 33 years old, and then he will sacrifice himself for the people’s sins and rise on the third day to show his power over the clutches of the grave and death.
Our wish is to return when he is older, but in the meantime, we pledge among ourselves to share, in our homeland, the good news of the birth of Jesus. The beginning of eternity and our hope are standing right behind those innocent brown eyes! We will begin to tell our story with those we will meet along the way back to our home in the West.
We say our goodbyes to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and head north through back through the city.
A Detour Home-Danger!
I am stopped in my tracks as I begin to consider our strange visit with King Herod.
A man appears to me and tells me to take a different path home and head east instead of retracing our journey. The king is up to some evil, and we don’t want to help him in any way. We probably made a mistake visiting him and giving him information about the approximate age of the baby Jesus. It is an unfortunate turn of events. We are going to miss the young shepherd boys on the way back. I was looking forward to telling them of our visit.
The star is gone as we begin our travel home. We stop to rest when we feel we have put some distance between King Herod and us. Around the fire, we talk about our great journey and look again at scripture. We come across a disturbing message from the prophet Jeremiah:
“Thus says the Lord: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.”
Jeremiah 31:15
Soon, the voices and the fire go out, and we sleep…exhausted from excitement and the sleep we missed, I can feel the warmth of my camel next to me. The trip home will be long, but it will go fast as we tell the wonderful story of Jesus along the way.
Later, the next day, we hear the news and fulfillment of that passage in Jeremiah that troubled us. King Herod had all the male children 2 years old and younger killed. What a cruel and foolish man!
We also got the news that Joseph was warned of Herod’s intention, and our friends Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus escaped to the safety of Egypt.
Later, we would learn Joseph took his family to a little town called Nazareth after Herod died.
More fulfillment of the ancient scrolls:
“And out of Egypt, I called my son.”
Hosea 11:1
Our journey to find Jesus was long and difficult, but we have been transformed by it. The scrolls, the star, the shepherds, and even the evil King Herod have made us wiser. But most of all, it has made us believers in Jesus.
We will continue to study the ancient scrolls because now that we have seen Jesus ourselves, we can see Him in every story told there.
So many scrolls to read, so little time.
And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
My friends, join me in a Christmas worship of the One who gave all that we might have all. Let us fall on our knees this night as we think about the birth of Jesus and the visit of men who were seeking Him. They found Him! Have you?
*Only three Wisemen are traditional and unverifiable. The number is likely based on the three main gifts given to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ( gold, frankincense, and myrrh.-Matt. 2: 11). For such a long journey and the importance of the journey, there was likely a caravan of camels and support people. But, again, unverifiable. )
**Swaddling clothes were strips that were often used to prepare the body for burial. They would wrap (swath) them in linen and then add strips around the head and feet (See John 20:7- Jesus and John 11:44- Lazarus). Jesus, at birth, was wrapped in the cloth for dead people. His mission from the start was to die!
Meaning of the Three Gifts of the Wisemen
Gold is associated with royalty and was a gift given to kings around the time of Christ’s birth. The wise men’s first gift of gold symbolized Jesus’ role as the King of Kings. Jesus’ family may have used the gift of gold in their flight to Egypt and after leaving that region to return home.
Frankincense was a type of incense burned as a sacrifice and used by priests during the sanctuary services at the time of Christ’s birth. The wise men’s gift of frankincense symbolized Jesus’ priesthood. Jesus’ family may have used the gift of frankincense for practical purposes, such as during prayer, or given some to the temple priests as a sacrifice.
Myrrh: During Christ’s birth, myrrh was used as an embalming ointment when preparing bodies for burial. The wise men’s gift of myrrh prophetically signified that Jesus was born to suffer and die while also symbolizing his burial. The gift of myrrh also had a practical use, as Mary, Jesus’s mother, may have used the myrrh for both Joseph’s and Jesus’s burials.
For additional study:
Jesus’ first coming was predicted in hundreds of Old Testament writings!
Herod in Jerusalem impatiently awaited the return of the wise men. As time passed, and they did not appear, his suspicions were roused. The unwillingness of the rabbis to point out the Messiah’s birthplace seemed to indicate that they had penetrated his design and that the magi had purposely avoided him. He was maddened at the thought. Craft had failed, but there was left the resort to force. He would make an example of this child-king. Those haughty Jews should see what they might expect in their attempts to place a monarch on the throne.
Children Two and Under
Soldiers were at once sent to Bethlehem, with orders to put to death all the children of two years and under. The quiet homes of the city of David witnessed those scenes of horror that, six hundred years before, had been opened to the prophet.
“In Ramah was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.” Matthew 2:18, ref Jeremiah 31:15
This calamity the Jews had brought upon themselves. If they had been walking in faithfulness and humility before God, He would, in a signal manner, have made the king’s wrath harmless to them. But they had separated themselves from God by their sins and had rejected the Holy Spirit, which was their only shield. They had not studied the Scriptures with a desire to conform to the will of God. They had searched for prophecies that could be interpreted to exalt themselves and to show how God despised all other nations. It was their proud boast that the Messiah was to come as a king, conquering His enemies and treading down the heathen in His wrath. Thus they had excited the hatred of their rulers. Through their misrepresentation of Christ’s mission, Satan had purposed to compass the destruction of the Saviour; instead, it returned upon their own heads.
This act of cruelty was one of the last that darkened the reign of Herod. Soon after the slaughter of the innocents, he was himself compelled to yield to that doom that none can turn aside. He died a fearful death.
Joseph, who was still in Egypt, was now bidden by an angel of God to return to the land of Israel. Regarding Jesus as the heir to David’s throne, Joseph desired to make his home in Bethlehem; but learning that Archelaus reigned in Judea in his father’s stead, he feared that the son might carry out the father’s designs against Christ. Of all the sons of Herod, Archelaus most resembled him in character. Already his succession to the government had been marked by a tumult in Jerusalem and the slaughter of thousands of Jews by the Roman guards.
Again Joseph was directed to a place of safety. He returned to Nazareth, his former home, and here for nearly thirty years, Jesus dwelt,
“that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.”
Matthew 2:23
Galilee was under the control of a son of Herod, but it had a much larger admixture of foreign inhabitants than Judea. Thus there was less interest in matters relating especially to the Jews, and the claims of Jesus would be less likely to excite the jealousy of those in power.
Such was the Saviour’s reception when He came to the earth. There seemed to be no place of rest or safety for the infant Redeemer. God could not trust His beloved Son with men, even while carrying forward His work for their salvation. He commissioned angels to attend to Jesus and protect Him till He should accomplish His mission on earth and die at the hands of those whom He came to save.
Desire of Ages, p. 65-67
Contemplation notes:
As I read the first six chapters of Desire of Ages and the related scriptures, I could see the hand of the only true God at work. Hundreds of prophecies from God’s sacred Word provide proof of the truthfulness of Jesus Christ. There is no other like Him (Psalm 71-19 b)
His first advent was promised in the opening chapters of Genesis. From that point forward, every generation looked for the Messiah. It finally happened in the fall of 4 AD (as detailed by Daniel the prophet). Other prophets foretold of His character and work, his birthplace, and the events surrounding His birth. It is impossible for this baby to have set up the fulfillment of hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. Hence, this is what separates Jesus from all others who would claim the title of Immanuel (God With Us):
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
Matthew 1:23, ref. Isaiah 7:14
The prophets gave Jesus many other names. These names reflect his character and work while here on earth and in His heavenly sanctuary:
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isiah 9:6
Donkey VS White Horse
While Jesus came the first time relatively quiet with His mother riding on a lowly donkey, his return is prophesied in even more detail and with more certainty that His first advent. Sadly, there are many more Herods, doubters, blind followers, and religious men who love religion and tradition more than truth. There are fewer wise men in our world today.
As prophesied by Jesus, there are many false teachers and prophets who think they understand His second coming. But they twist clear scripture to create books and Hollywood productions that are far from the actual events described by God’s prophets in the Holy Bible.
He came into our world quietly in Bethlehem, born of a poor virgin who rode on a donkey, delivered quietly in a horse trough (manger). He comes back with worldwide viewing riding a white horse and proclaimed as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This time, He comes in clouds, and every eye will see Him (Revelation 1:7). He will be announced with trumpets from the heavens, and His followers will rise from their graves to meet Him in the air (1 Thess. 4: 16-17). Every knee will bow and proclaim Him as true and righteous (Romans 14:11)
Let each one of us take to time to read and contemplate the clear word of God. Make it your personal study and devotion time. If you don’t have dedicated time each day for prayer, study, and seeking, start one! It is still not too late! For His second coming is certain:
For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Hebrews 11:7
It will be the biggest event of the earth’s history!
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:
The wise men departed alone from Jerusalem. The shadows of night were falling as they left the gates, but to their great joy, they again saw the star and were directed to Bethlehem. They had received no such intimation of the lowly estate of Jesus as was given to the shepherds. After the long journey, they had been disappointed by the indifference of the Jewish leaders and had left Jerusalem less confident than when they entered the city.
At Bethlehem, they found no royal guard stationed to protect the newborn King. None of the world’s honored men were in attendance. Jesus was cradled in a manger. His parents, uneducated peasants, were His only guardians. Could this be He of whom it was written that He should
“raise up the tribes of Jacob,” and “restore the preserved of Israel;” that He should be “a light to the Gentiles,” and for “salvation unto the end of the earth”?
Isaiah 49:6.
“When they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshiped Him.”
Matthew 2:11
Beneath the lowly guise of Jesus, they recognized the presence of Divinity. They gave their hearts to Him as their Saviour and then poured out their gifts,—“gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” What a faith was theirs! It might have been said of the wise men from the East, as afterward of the Roman centurion,
“I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
Matthew 8:10
The magi had been among the first to welcome the Redeemer. Their gift was the first that was laid at His feet. And through that gift, what privilege of ministry was theirs! The offering from the heart that loves, God delights to honor, giving it the highest efficiency in service for Him. If we have given our hearts to Jesus, we also shall bring our gifts to Him. Our gold and silver, our most precious earthly possessions, our highest mental and spiritual endowments, will be freely devoted to Him who loved us, and gave Himself for us.
Escape From Herod
The wise men had not penetrated Herod’s design toward Jesus. When the object of their journey was accomplished, they prepared to return to Jerusalem, intending to acquaint him with their success. But in a dream, they received a divine message to hold no further communication with him. Avoiding Jerusalem, they set out for their own country by another route.
In like manner, Joseph received a warning to flee into Egypt with Mary and the child.
“And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Matthew 12:13
Joseph obeyed without delay, setting out on the journey by night for greater security.
Through the wise men, God had called the attention of the Jewish nation to the birth of His Son. Their inquiries in Jerusalem, the popular interest excited, and even the jealousy of Herod, which compelled the attention of the priests and rabbis, directed minds to the prophecies concerning the Messiah and to the great event that had just taken place.
Satan was bent on shutting out the divine light from the world, and he used his utmost cunning to destroy the Saviour. But He who never slumbers nor sleeps was watching over His beloved Son. He who had rained manna from heaven for Israel and had fed Elijah in the time of famine provided in a heathen land a refuge for Mary and the child Jesus. And through the gifts of the magi from a heathen country, the Lord supplied the means for the journey into Egypt and the sojourn in a land of strangers.
The arrival of the magi was quickly noised throughout Jerusalem. Their strange errand created excitement among the people, which penetrated to the palace of King Herod.
Being of alien blood, he was hated by the people over whom he ruled. His only security was the favor of Rome. But this new Prince had a higher claim. He was born to the kingdom.
Herod suspected the priests of plotting with the strangers to excite a popular tumult and unseat him from the throne. He concealed his mistrust, however, determined to thwart their schemes by superior cunning. Summoning the chief priests and the scribes, he questioned them as to the teaching of their sacred books regarding the place of the Messiah’s birth.
This inquiry from the usurper of the throne, and made at the request of strangers, stung the pride of the Jewish teachers. The indifference with which they turned to the rolls of prophecy enraged the jealous tyrant. He thought them trying to conceal their knowledge of the matter. With authority they dared not disregard, he commanded them to make a close search and to declare the birthplace of their expected King.
So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet:
‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’ ” Matthew 2: 5-6
Herod now invited the magi to a private interview. A tempest of wrath and fear raged in his heart, but he preserved a calm exterior and received the strangers courteously. He inquired at what time the star had appeared and professed to hail with joy the intimation of the birth of Christ. He bade his visitors,
“Search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found Him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship Him also.”
Matthew 2:8
So saying, he dismissed them to go on their way to Bethlehem.
Priests and Elders
The priests and elders of Jerusalem were not as ignorant concerning the birth of Christ as they pretended. The report of the angels’ visit to the shepherds had been brought to Jerusalem, but the rabbis had treated it as unworthy of their notice. They, themselves, might have found Jesus and might have been ready to lead the magi to His birthplace, but instead of this, the wise men came to call their attention to the birth of the Messiah. “
Where is He that is born King of the Jews?” they said, “for we have seen His star in the East and are come to worship Him.”
Matthew 2:2
Now pride and envy closed the door against the light. If the reports brought by the shepherds and the wise men were credited, they would place the priests and rabbis in a most unenviable position, disproving their claim to be the exponents of the truth of God. These learned teachers would not stoop to be instructed by those whom they termed heathen. It could not be, they said, that God had passed them by to communicate with ignorant shepherds or uncircumcised Gentiles.
They determined to show their contempt for the reports that were exciting King Herod and all of Jerusalem. They would not even go to Bethlehem to see whether these things were so. And they led the people to regard the interest in Jesus as a fanatical excitement. Here began the rejection of Christ by the priests and rabbis. From this point, their pride and stubbornness grew into a settled hatred of the Saviour. While God was opening the door to the Gentiles, the Jewish leaders closed it to themselves.
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the East and are come to worship Him.” Matthew 2: 1-2
The wise men from the East were philosophers. They belonged to a large and influential class that included men of noble birth and comprised much of the wealth and learning of their nation. Among these were many who imposed on the credulity of the people. Others were upright men who studied the indications of Providence in nature and who were honored for their integrity and wisdom. Of this character were the wise men who came to Jesus.
The light of God is ever shining amid the darkness of heathenism. As these magi studied the starry heavens and sought to fathom the mystery hidden in their bright paths, they beheld the glory of the Creator. Seeking clearer knowledge, they turned to the Hebrew Scriptures.
The wise men had seen a mysterious light in the heavens upon that night when the glory of God flooded the hills of Bethlehem. As the light faded, a luminous star appeared and lingered in the sky. It was not a fixed star nor a planet, and the phenomenon excited the keenest interest. That star was a distant company of shining angels, but of this, the wise men were ignorant.
Yet they were impressed that the star was of special import to them. They consulted priests and philosophers and searched the scrolls of the ancient records. The prophecy of Balaam declared, “
There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.” Numbers 24:17.
Could this strange star have been sent as a harbinger of the Promised One? The magi had welcomed the light of heaven-sent truth; now it was shed upon them in brighter rays. Through dreams, they were instructed to go in search of the newborn Prince.
While they had the star before them as an outward sign, they also had the inward evidence of the Holy Spirit, which was impressing their hearts and inspiring them with hope. The journey, though long, was a happy one for them.
Apathetic Greeting
They have reached the land of Israel and are descending the Mount of Olives, with Jerusalem in sight, when, lo, the star that has guided them all the weary way rests above the temple and, after a season, fades from their view. With eager steps, they press onward, confidently expecting the Messiah’s birth to be the joyful burden of every tongue. But their inquiries are in vain. Entering the holy city, they repaired to the temple. To their amazement, they find none who seem to have knowledge of the newborn king. Their questions call forth no expressions of joy but rather of surprise and fear, not unmingled with contempt.
The priests are rehearsing traditions. They extol their religion and their own piety while they denounce the Greeks and Romans as heathens and sinners above others. The wise men are not idolaters, and in the sight of God, they stand far higher than do these, His professed worshipers, yet the Jews look upon them as heathen. Even among the appointed guardians of the Holy Oracles, their eager questionings touch no chord of sympathy.
The arrival of the magi was quickly noised throughout Jerusalem. Their strange errand created excitement among the people, which penetrated to the palace of King Herod.
The birth of Christ was senseless unless there was a cross and a resurrection in His future.
Mary looked forward to the Messiah’s reign on David’s throne, but she saw not the baptism of suffering by which it must be won. Through Simeon, it is revealed that the Messiah is to have no unobstructed passage through the world. In the words to Mary,
“A sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,”
Luke 2:35a (KJ)
God, in His tender mercy, gives to the mother of Jesus an intimation of the anguish that already, for His sake, she had begun to bear.
“Behold,” Simeon had said,
“…this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against.””
Luke 2:34 (KJ)
They must fall who would rise again. We must fall upon the Rock and be broken before we can be uplifted in Christ. Self must be dethroned, and pride must be humbled if we would know the glory of the spiritual kingdom. The Jews would not accept the honor that is reached through humiliation. Therefore, they would not receive their Redeemer. He was a sign that was spoken against.
“That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Luke 2:35b
In the light of the Saviour’s life, the hearts of all, even from the Creator to the prince of darkness, are revealed.
Satan has represented God as selfish and oppressive, as claiming all and giving nothing, as requiring the service of His creatures for His own glory and making no sacrifice for their good.
But the gift of Christ reveals the Father’s heart. It testifies that the thoughts of God toward us are
“thoughts of peace, and not of evil.”
Jeremiah 29:11.
while God’s hatred of sin is as strong as death, His love for the sinner is stronger than death. Having undertaken our redemption, He will spare nothing, however dear, which is necessary to complete His work.
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It declares that while God’s hatred of sin is as strong as death, His love for the sinner is stronger than death. Having undertaken our redemption, He will spare nothing, however dear, which is necessary to complete His work. No truth essential to our salvation is withheld, no miracle of mercy is neglected, and no divine agency is left unemployed.
Favor is heaped upon favor, gift upon gift. The whole treasury of heaven is open to those He seeks to save. Having collected the riches of the universe and laid open the resources of infinite power, He gives them all into the hands of Christ and says, All these are for man. Use these gifts to convince him that no love is greater than Mine on earth or heaven. His greatest happiness will be found in loving Me.
At the cross of Calvary, love and selfishness stood face to face. Here was their crowning manifestation.
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At the cross of Calvary, love and selfishness stood face to face. Here was their crowning manifestation. Christ had lived only to comfort and bless, and in putting Him to death, Satan manifested the malignity of his hatred against God. He made it evident that the real purpose of his rebellion was to dethrone God and to destroy Him through whom the love of God was shown.
Through the life and the death of Christ, the thoughts of men also are brought into view. From the manger to the cross, the life of Jesus was a call to self-surrender and to fellowship in suffering. It unveiled the purposes of men. Jesus came with the truth of heaven, and all who were listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit were drawn to Him. The worshipers of self belonged to Satan’s kingdom. In their attitude toward Christ, all would show on which side they stood. And thus, everyone passes judgment on himself.
In the day of final judgment, every lost soul will understand the nature of his own rejection of truth. The cross will be presented, and its real bearing will be seen by every mind that has been blinded by transgression. Before the vision of Calvary with its mysterious Victim, sinners will stand condemned. Every lying excuse will be swept away. Human apostasy will appear in its heinous character. Men will see what their choice has been. Every question of truth and error in the long-standing controversy will then have been made plain. In the judgment of the universe, God will stand clear of blame for the existence or continuance of evil. It will be demonstrated that the divine decrees are not accessory to sin. There was no defect in God’s government, no cause for disaffection. When the thoughts of all hearts shall be revealed, both the loyal and the rebellious will unite in declaring,
“Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints. Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? . . . for Thy judgments are made manifest.”
Revelation 15:3, 4.
“Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints. Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? . . . for Thy judgments are made manifest.” Revelation 15:3, 4.