1.) The disciples were gathered on the first day of the week behind closed doors for fear of the Jews. They were not together to worship a risen Savior. It would be later that evening before Jesus appeared to them. Jesus would give them a Scripture study that told of the prophecies about Himself. Thomas wouldn’t see Jesus for eight more days. Then he would believe with the others.
Luke 24: 28-45, John 20:19, 26-28
2.) After the resurrection, Jesus was seen by all the Apostles and 500 other people, including Paul.
3.) Jesus would stay on the earth, teaching the disciples and Apostles, for forty days before ascending to the Father, promising He would return “in like manner.”
4.) Believing in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead is necessary for salvation
5.) Our entire faith rests on Jesus rising from the dead. If He didn’t, we are still in our sins, our faith in Jesus is futile, and all our friends and family who were believers have perished. Also, it would mean all the eyewitnesses are liars.
6.) Paul tells us that we are not to mourn for those who die in the Lord as those who mourn and have no hope. Hope in the coming of the Lord and our resurrection.
7.) Our comfort concerning those who have died and slept in the Lord is that Jesus will come again with the shout of the Archangel, and they will rise from the grave. If we are alive, then we will meet the Lord in the air. It is then we will be with the Lord forever. He will take us to where He is now (Heaven, aka Paradise). It is these words that should comfort us and other believers.
Paul’s greatest desire was to know the power of the resurrection and to experience it. Is that your desire, too? You can ask the Lord to come into your life if it is. Then follow Him wherever He leads you. You, too, can experience the resurrection when you fall asleep in Christ.
I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another, I will experience the resurrection from the dead!