The latest attack on Israel and the explosion of hatred by their nearest enemies, a terrorist Islamic group known as Hamas, suddenly and without warning attacked and slaughtered innocent children, women, and men of all ages, supposedly in the name of Allah. Many would agree their so-called god is a tyrant of the worst kind, likely used as an excuse by abject evil men to set a fire of hatred, murder, injury, rape, and mayhem on innocent Jewish people of all ages. Now, the fire of destruction is raining down on their heads while innocent Palestinian citizens are used as human shields and suffer because of the extreme Islamic terrorists’ evil agenda.
The nations of the earth hold their breath as Iran (suspected sponsor and overseer of the attack), other Muslim nations, China, and Russia look on with vested interest. United States naval ships are positioned to protect Israel and keep others out of the fight.
Confusing to many Americans (religious or not) is the Antisemitic protests endorsing the attack on Israel. They have received significant news coverage across America! They are extreme left factions who have wormed their way into high government positions and have refused to comment on the atrocities, thereby endorsing the attack. A few have endorsed the campaign of hatred. Hopefully, their political careers will be destroyed. How shameful to endorse such hatred and brutality in a country built on acceptance of all races and cultures.
The latest atrocities are so horrendous that it is hard to describe, but I must mention the heartless beheading of babies who will never experience a life of sounds, tastes, sights, or feelings of love and warmth on this Earth.
The surviving families’ lives were forever crippled on the morning of the Shabbat, October 7, 2023, while celebrating Shemini Atzeret, a time of re-reading the Torah and renewal of their relationship with God—a period of rededication disfigured by evil godless men.
It has led many to question why God allowed this, but it is nothing new for Israel; Eighty-two years ago, the Nazi regime, under the direction of a madman named Hitler, tried to extinguish the Jewish people and any nation that would get in his way. Millions were taken from their homes and left to die in Nazi camps or sent to the gas chambers.
Those who harbor such antisemitic feelings go back well before the holocaust of World War II.
The Meaning of Anti-Semitism
“The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts.”-Brittanica Encyclopedia.
At the core of anti-Semitism is a hatred that predates Moses.
A Hated Ethnicity
No ethnicity and culture of human beings are hated more than the Jewish people. Their ancient lineage has felt little peace compared to the thousands of years of captivity and atrocious persecution. Why are they so hated? Their enemies could verbalize many reasons, but what are these excuses based on?
The purpose of this series is to look back at ancient records in scripture known today as the Tanak, also identified as the Old Testament by Christians, to figure out the “Why?” question and how it affects us today. These 40 writers recorded the history of their patriarch Abraham and the conflict between his original three sons (Ishmael, Isaac, and Esau).
But the seed for hatred began long before the promises of God to Abraham. Here, we will find hatred taking root and growing in the Middle East. Genesis to Malichi is primarily the story of Israel, but it affects us all, especially Christians.
The followers of Christ see themselves as an extension or grafted-in-vine, sharing the wisdom of God, His love, His mercy, and hopefully His guidance in maneuvering through a sin-filled planet.
Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 1 Corinthians 10:11
And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, Romans 11:17
A Tie Between Christianity and Israel
Jews and Christians worship the same God, Jehovah, and read from the Tanak (Old Testament). The split comes over Jesus’s Messiahship and divinity as a Godhead constituent.
There is a connection between Christianity and Israel theologically and in the sharing of massive persecutions from the past. The Christians’ persecution started in the 1st century and ran through the Dark Ages before becoming watered down, requiring a Reformation. But Israel has experienced persecution from the time of Abraham. The umbilical cord from ancient Israel leaves the born-again Christian with deep empathy for the Jewish people. These ties will be explored as we review the long history of the people of God.
It appears that the pinnacle of prophecy will come as a joining of literal Israel and Spiritual Israel to become victors over the greatest of all enemies, Satan himself…The father of death and lies.
Prophecies of Persecution
Prophecies of persecution and wars that are now history provide the platform for forecasts yet to be filled as written in the Torah and from Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the New Testament. Learning from the past gives us a better vision for the future.
The future for Israel is prophesied in the Tanak and the New Testament, but with varying interpretations. Nevertheless, the prophecies, both good and bad, came with conditions. This truth is the foundation for accurate interpretation and good exergies. An example of a condition is found in the book of 2 Chronicles. Both Jews and Christians acknowledge this promise.
“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
The passage begins with the word “if,” putting it in a conditional state. The “if” requires humbleness, prayer, searching, and turning away from wickedness to reap the promise. Will the promise be fulfilled if the conditions are not met? Of course not. However, as we will see, there are unconditional promises as well, e.g., the promise to never destroy the earth by flood again.
In the coming weeks, we will explore what God said about Jerusalem and the people of Israel. Questions raised by Paul about spiritual Israel and literal Israel will be reviewed.
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God. Romans 2: 28-29
What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God (Scriptures). Romans 3: 1-2
I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. Romans 11:1
If you want to get a jump on this series, request a free book called The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem. Leave a comment, and I will get in touch with you about how to get the book to you.

Marilyn, thank you for the comment. It is unfair to call Israel the “biggest terrorist in the middle east” particularly in the light of recent events. it was not Hamas that that was attacked. It was not Israel that beheaded innocent children and killed the elderly, not to mention the devilish slaughter of young people. It was not Israel who took hostages as human bargaining chips. In addition, it was not Israel that bombed the hospital. Hamas’ rockets accidently (or on purpose) hit the hospital and killed its own people. They use their own people as human shields. It makes for good propaganda for the lying terrorists. It is not the Palestinian people who is the enemy, it is the terrorists of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas that should be hated for their disrespect for life. As pointed out, no ethnicity has been more hated so much for no reason other than being Jewish. I empathize with your struggles as a person of color. It must have been terrible. Wouldn’t you agree Things are better for black people in the U.S. than during the Jim Crow days? The Christians were also persecuted during the dark ages for hundreds of years. I know things are not perfect. Persecution will last until Jesus Returns. Jesus is the only Deliverer. Blessings my friend as you search for the truth as it is found in Jesus.
Israel is the biggest terrorist in the middle east. In 1948 5.7% of the land in Palestine was purchased by the UN and given to establish the state of Israel. Since them Israel has slowly but surely pushed the Palestinian off an additional 25% of the land . In addition to this, Israel blocks all ports into Palestine so that food, medical supplies, relief agencies must get permission from Israel in order to bring supplies into Palestine. Is this just? Is this the way of God? The Zionist regime that controls Israel’s government stated intent is to return Israel to the former glory that it had under Solomon. To do that they have systematically murdered Palestinians, bull-dozed homes. As I look at how the Palestinians are treated by Israel, it brings memories of how I, as a Black American, was treated in the South under Jim Crow laws. Life had to be lived as the stated. If a Black person refused, their home and churches were burned and if they continued, they were killed. I lived like this for 10 years of my life, but will never forget. So, my sympathies are with the Palestinians. Hamas was wrong to attack and kill innocents, but I fully understand why and I wish people who claim the name of Jesus, would stop justifying Israel in all the acts of terror they commit against the people of Palestine. Was it really necessary to target a hospital filled with children, seniors and women? No, but it was intentional.